Another Dixie Prediction Goes Horribly Wrong


Will work for Scooby snacks
-DIXIE, August 10 2005, on Iraq: " how utterly desperate the anti-war crowd is. Still trying to lie and mislead people with propaganda like this, and still chanting to "bring them home" when it's clear, they are coming home soon, the job is almost complete! Our forces will come back home when the job is finished, and not because you pinheads 'spirited' them back with your war protests."

-GEORGE BUSH, August 12 press conference: “We're not leaving Iraq so long as I'm president…"That would be a huge mistake."
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-DIXIE, August 10, on Iraq: "… how utterly desperate the anti-war crowd is. Still trying to lie and mislead people with propaganda like this, and still chanting to "bring them home" when it's clear, they are coming home soon, the job is almost complete! Our forces will come back home when the job is finished, and not because you pinheads 'spirited' them back with your war protests."

-GEORGE BUSH, August 12 press conference: “We're not leaving Iraq so long as I'm president…"That would be a huge mistake."

Right... we aren't going to be leaving Iraq in the next 2 years. In fact, we are likely to have a military presence in Iraq for decades to come, since we are building military bases there, and we still have forces in Germany and Japan.

Our military objectives have been met, the completion of training is currently taking place, and when we are finished... probably in the next 12-16 months, we will beging to draw down our forces and "come home" as I stated. You pinheads are so myopic, you can't understand a thing.
Right... we aren't going to be leaving Iraq in the next 2 years. In fact, we are likely to have a military presence in Iraq for decades to come, since we are building military bases there, and we still have forces in Germany and Japan.

Our military objectives have been met, the completion of training is currently taking place, and when we are finished... probably in the next 12-16 months, we will beging to draw down our forces and "come home" as I stated. You pinheads are so myopic, you can't understand a thing.

Right... we aren't going to be leaving Iraq in the next 2 years. In fact, we are likely to have a military presence in Iraq for decades to come

And to think, only two years ago I was called a treasonous traitor for suggesting bush wanted to use Iraq to build permanent US military bases, while NeoCons lecture me that we would leave their country "as soon as possible."
Right... we aren't going to be leaving Iraq in the next 2 years. In fact, we are likely to have a military presence in Iraq for decades to come

And to think, only two years ago I was called a treasonous traitor for suggesting bush wanted to use Iraq to build permanent US military bases, while NeoCons lecture me that we would leave their country "as soon as possible."

Well, since we are in a War on islamofascism, and since Iraq happens to rest in the heart of the Islamofascists, it works out very nicely for us. Sorry it doesn't bode well for you and the terrorists. There is a vast difference in redeploying combat forces and maintaining military presence, apparently you don't know the difference and think they are all the same.

And yes, you are pretty much treasonous traitor scum, in my opinion.
So, yet another Dixie prediction gone horribly wrong, comes to light:

Bush does and did intend on establish a permanent american military prescence in iraq for decades to come.

And silly me, I was almost convinced two years ago by NeoCons lecturing me that we would leave Iraq "as soon as possible" , and not use it for a permanent military presence.
So, yet another Dixie prediction gone horribly wrong, comes to light:

Bush does and did intend on establish a permanent american military prescence in iraq for decades to come.

And silly me, I was almost convinced two years ago by NeoCons lecturing me that we would leave Iraq "as soon as possible" , and not use it for a permanent military presence.

for example, mere months ago Dixie was screaming "Liar!" at those who said we were building permanent military bases:


1) AnyOldIron: 14 `enduring bases' set in Iraq--Long-term military presence planned [/b]

"Now U.S. engineers are focusing on constructing 14 "enduring bases," long-term encampments for the thousands of American troops expected to serve in Iraq for at least two years."

2) -DIXIE responds: “Please point out where Rumsfeld indicates we will be in Iraq for decades? I don't see that! As I said, you twisted his words and made a false assumption from what he said. Why did you LIE?
So, yet another Dixie prediction gone horribly wrong, comes to light:

Bush does and did intend on establish a permanent american military prescence in iraq for decades to come.

And silly me, I was almost convinced two years ago by NeoCons lecturing me that we would leave Iraq "as soon as possible" , and not use it for a permanent military presence.

Well of course, stupid... why do you think the Pentagon announced the building of the bases? Just to get a "rise" out of you? No one with any common sense, that I know of, has indicated we didn't plan to have a military presence in Iraq, it's one of the primary reasons we took Saddam out! This doesn't mean we will forever have combat forces committed to Iraq, that will end as soon as their work is complete, in about 12-16 months. This is the "as soon as possible" part you heard from "neocons."
two years ago, and then dixie says 12-16 months. ????

Yes. Why? Whats your definition of "soon"? Usually if someone asks me when I'm getting home, or when I might be planning on unplugging my curling iron so they can use the bathroom, (to do whatever weird stuff men do in there) and I say "soon" I usually mean right about in three years.
Yes. Why? Whats your definition of "soon"? Usually if someone asks me when I'm getting home, or when I might be planning on unplugging my curling iron so they can use the bathroom, (to do whatever weird stuff men do in there) and I say "soon" I usually mean right about in three years.

I guess we're going to be coming home soon from Germany, right? I mean, WWII has been over a while.

In context, Bush just gave you a resounding FU. As long as he is president, there will be no Cut-Run-Surrender-Retreat-Defeat Policy in Iraq. I thought this was common knowledge? I thought you guys understood that by now? Oh... and you know something else? Unlike John Kerry and Bill Clinton, when Bush tells you, he means it.
he is right on one thing though Bush has given us all a big FU.
And that includes Dixie, he is just not smart enough to realize it.
Well, since we are in a War on islamofascism, and since Iraq happens to rest in the heart of the Islamofascists, it works out very nicely for us. Sorry it doesn't bode well for you and the terrorists. There is a vast difference in redeploying combat forces and maintaining military presence, apparently you don't know the difference and think they are all the same.

And yes, you are pretty much treasonous traitor scum, in my opinion.

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, your predictions have a 0% accuracy rate, and yet you go on and on and on. oblivious to your ignorance and Bush administration's lies. I don't know if you have kids (and I hope you don't. The last thing society needs is your deleterious chromosomes passed on to create another generation of imbeciles). but when a kid's story about his involvement in a recent contretemps changes several times, he's lying. The rationale for invading Iraq has changed several times. They're lying. The "war on islamofascists" is just their most recent lie, and what's more, it's one of their dumbest yet, because several despotic Islamic regimes are Bush allies: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Uzbekistan. Just who and what are these "islamofacists" you're babbling about? Which sect are they? Which country do they run?
You do realize that fascism is the joining of right-wing politicians with right-wing corporations, and is more accurately descriptive of George W. Bush and his corporate cronies. And speaking of the Shrub, his near constant violation of the terms and ideals of the Constitution, despite his oath to preserve, protect, and defnd it. Makes him th traitor, not Cypress. When are you going to buy a clue? We know you can't grow one, but that's no excuse for being so goddamn dumb
It's ironic that Dixie accuses others of supporting terrorism yet is such a fan of Israeli attacks on civilians with the purpose of bringing about political change through intimidation (ie terrorism).

That's Dixie though, loopy as a bucket of snakes...
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, your predictions have a 0% accuracy rate, and yet you go on and on and on. oblivious to your ignorance and Bush administration's lies. I don't know if you have kids (and I hope you don't. The last thing society needs is your deleterious chromosomes passed on to create another generation of imbeciles). but when a kid's story about his involvement in a recent contretemps changes several times, he's lying. The rationale for invading Iraq has changed several times. They're lying. The "war on islamofascists" is just their most recent lie, and what's more, it's one of their dumbest yet, because several despotic Islamic regimes are Bush allies: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Uzbekistan. Just who and what are these "islamofacists" you're babbling about? Which sect are they? Which country do they run?
You do realize that fascism is the joining of right-wing politicians with right-wing corporations, and is more accurately descriptive of George W. Bush and his corporate cronies. And speaking of the Shrub, his near constant violation of the terms and ideals of the Constitution, despite his oath to preserve, protect, and defnd it. Makes him th traitor, not Cypress. When are you going to buy a clue? We know you can't grow one, but that's no excuse for being so goddamn dumb

I hope you feel better after that! You should, it was a lot of spewing rhetorical shit to get off your chest. I'm sorry you don't like the word "islamofascist" or how it's being used to delineate between regular everyday Muslims and radical wacko Muslims who want us dead. I know that it really frosts your cookies that we took away your rhetoric about hating all Muslims, as well as most of your excuses and explanations for the terrorists actions.

The "rationale" for taking out Saddam has never changed. There were and are, several key reasons it needed to be done, and needed to be done soon, and all of them have been presented to you, but somehow, you are too retarded to comprehend 'multiple reasons' for going to war, and you assume there could only be one reason. You have been too busy hating Bush to pay attention to our mutual enemies, and you've listened to propaganda so long, you've become completely brainwashed. I can't help you, it's way too late for that, I can only hope that you will come to your senses someday. I would hate to think, after we take care of the terrorists, we are going to have to deal with militant liberals next.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, your predictions have a 0% accuracy rate, and yet you go on and on and on. oblivious to your ignorance and Bush administration's lies. I don't know if you have kids (and I hope you don't. The last thing society needs is your deleterious chromosomes passed on to create another generation of imbeciles). but when a kid's story about his involvement in a recent contretemps changes several times, he's lying. The rationale for invading Iraq has changed several times. They're lying. The "war on islamofascists" is just their most recent lie, and what's more, it's one of their dumbest yet, because several despotic Islamic regimes are Bush allies: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Uzbekistan. Just who and what are these "islamofacists" you're babbling about? Which sect are they? Which country do they run?
You do realize that fascism is the joining of right-wing politicians with right-wing corporations, and is more accurately descriptive of George W. Bush and his corporate cronies. And speaking of the Shrub, his near constant violation of the terms and ideals of the Constitution, despite his oath to preserve, protect, and defnd it. Makes him th traitor, not Cypress. When are you going to buy a clue? We know you can't grow one, but that's no excuse for being so goddamn dumb

I guess this is a s good a post as any to single out. There are a number of equally stupid posts in this thread but this is the most recent and really stands out for its simple mindedness.

"Who and what are islamofacists?" The simple explaination is iran. Facism is considered to be a rightwing nomenclature in most meanings of the word. It is most normally used to name anti-semetic groups. In the way it is used as with islam is that they are a hate group. But they hate not just jews, but Christians and Hindus and Budhists and liberals as well. Its the most commonly known hate name that people can put on the these islamist. because that is what they preach and practice,,,hatred. You can spin it anyway you want but its a religious war. the western world verses islam. Your very way of life is at risk here and your blind Bush hatred keeps you from seeing that.

None of you ever even tries to look at the big picture. None of us even have access to most of that big picture. There's a lot going on you will never see and its going on in your behalf. It will be 20 to 30 years before many of the things going on now will come to light.

There will be US bases in iraq for many years to come. Deal with it. There will eventually be a war with iran and probably syria. Deal with it. Bush has two more years as president and will continue his policies regardless of polls. deal with it. If the libs don't come up with concrete ideas of things to do concerning the world and islam then they will not be in a position of power. Deal with it.

Dixie i don't think we have much to worry about as far as militant liberals. It would be like fighting the french. They like to name call but they would never stand up for themselves. "fascism" a flavor of antisemitism is as much a convenient, opportunistic bastardization of the word as "islamofascist" is.

and using that word to describe a plethora of diverse and mutually exclusive organizations within the world of Islam is even more pathetic.