Another innocent Black man could have been murdered


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This happens all the time..........lies from the racist right.


This happens all the time..........lies from the racist right.



It's weird how overweight white dudes can parade around with AK47s and claim to be doing their patriotic duty, while a black dude is threatened with arrest for asking someone to comply with a city ordinance
It's weird how overweight white dudes can parade around with AK47s and claim to be doing their patriotic duty, while a black dude is threatened with arrest for asking someone to comply with a city ordinance

It's not weird, its America. They are allowed to get away with it.

She should be charged with a crime..........but since they are allowed to get away with it she'll do it again.
This happens all the time..........lies from the racist right.



Why are Black and White people allowed to interact with each other?
Why are Black and White people allowed to interact with each other?

Because racist white people refuse to go back to the caves of europe, germany and russia where they dwell from. They are the ones who don't want to "interact" this woman in the video.

America would be so much better without them..........and you.
Because racist white people refuse to go back to the caves of europe, germany and russia where they dwell from. They are the ones who don't want to "interact" this woman in the video.

America would be so much better without them..........and you.


'The Case of Two Negroes'.

Let's see. We have two incidents that involve a Black person interacting with a White person.
Case #1 involves a Black person confronting a White person about their dog being unleashed in a Park. She attempts to threaten the man by saying she will call the Police and say a "African-American man is threatening her". He takes out his camera and tells her to go ahead. She ends up losing her dog and Job.

Case #2 involves a Black person confronting a White person with a shotgun. The guy doesn't bother engaging with the White person and immediately grabs the guy's shotgun and punches him in the face. As one would expect, grabbing the wrong end of a shotgun and punching the guy in the face ended ... tragically for the 'African-American'.

So ... is there a Lesson to be learned here?
He was fine.

TTQ: "Because racist white people refuse to go back to the caves of europe, germany and russia where they dwell from."

This comment reminds me of a conversation between a well known Black Commentator (it wasn't Don Lemon, but someone you could recognize) and Erick Holder, the Attorney General. They were discussing Obama and his comments about a 'White/Black' incident (I can't recall which one). At the end of the Interview, the Black commentator tells the Black Attorney General, after discussing the Black President, ... "We have so much more to go".

:) hahahahaha ...
(I got the impression that TTQ's 'Whites go back to Europe' comment WAS the Goal)

'The Case of Two Negroes'.

Let's see. We have two incidents that involve a Black person interacting with a White person.
Case #1 involves a Black person confronting a White person about their dog being unleashed in a Park. She attempts to threaten the man by saying she will call the Police and say a "African-American man is threatening her". He takes out his camera and tells her to go ahead. She ends up losing her dog and Job.

Case #2 involves a Black person confronting a White person with a shotgun. The guy doesn't bother engaging with the White person and immediately grabs the guy's shotgun and punches him in the face. As one would expect, grabbing the wrong end of a shotgun and punching the guy in the face ended ... tragically for the 'African-American'.

So ... is there a Lesson to be learned here?

yes, racist white people are a disgrace to society.
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TTQ: "Because racist white people refuse to go back to the caves of europe, germany and russia where they dwell from."

This comment reminds me of a conversation between a well known Black Commentator (it wasn't Don Lemon, but someone you could recognize) and Erick Holder, the Attorney General. They were discussing Obama and his comments about a 'White/Black' incident (I can't recall which one). At the end of the Interview, the Black commentator tells the Black Attorney General, after discussing the Black President, ... "We have so much more to go".

:) hahahahaha ...
(I got the impression that TTQ's 'Whites go back to Europe' comment WAS the Goal)

Your impression is wrong.......and your reading comprehension.

I said "Because racist white people refuse to go back to the caves of europe, germany and russia where they dwell from."

You're the one lumping all Blacks together. The only thing we all do as a people is NOT VOTE FOR RACIST WHITES.

'The Case of Two Negroes'.

Let's see. We have two incidents that involve a Black person interacting with a White person.
Case #1 involves a Black person confronting a White person about their dog being unleashed in a Park. She attempts to threaten the man by saying she will call the Police and say a "African-American man is threatening her". He takes out his camera and tells her to go ahead. She ends up losing her dog and Job.

Case #2 involves a Black person confronting a White person with a shotgun. The guy doesn't bother engaging with the White person and immediately grabs the guy's shotgun and punches him in the face. As one would expect, grabbing the wrong end of a shotgun and punching the guy in the face ended ... tragically for the 'African-American'.

So ... is there a Lesson to be learned here?

Case one the black man got his justice.

Case two will play out in court.

Bottom line is in both cases the victim will have justice.
Racist people of any color are a disgrace.

White racism is in a class of it's own. They are the only ones able to act on their racism since this country was built on their racism.

Other minorities can be bigots, have prejudices or be bias.........but racism is power.....and whites have all the power.
For all he knows she could have had her dog attack him. She was breaking the rules by not having her dog on a leash.

Exactly! Imagine if this was a big rottweiler or Shepard. Having a medium or large breed dog run up on you is not fun or funny. The animal owner may know the dog is a big baby. I don't know this as a dog capable of hurting or even killing me runs up to me. Do I pull my firearm and prepare to defend myself? Allow the dog to run up to me and hope for the best knowing that this choice would essentially eliminate any chance at self defense if the dog is violent?

So guys make sure you dog is leashed or that they are very obedient to your commands. The black guy was 1000 percent right in this case. He was extremely appropriate aswell and handled the crazy woman like a polished police office. Amazing restraint on his part.
Why are Black and White people allowed to interact with each other?

Because Lincoln got assassinated in 1865. He wanted to deport ALL Blacks out of America - never got the chance. Shame, that. It would have saved the US a hell of a lot of grief over the past 155 years. I notice American Blacks are always bitching about how racist and unjust America is, what a terrible place it is, etc. Well, they could always fuck off off to back to mother Africa, but never do ? Funny that?

Why are Black and White people allowed to interact with each other?

Because Lincoln got assassinated in 1865. He wanted to deport ALL Blacks out of America - never got the chance. Shame, that. It would have saved the US a hell of a lot of grief over the past 155 years. I notice American Blacks are always bitching about how racist and unjust America is, what a terrible place it is, etc. Well, they could always fuck off to back to mother Africa, but never do ? Funny that?

White racism is in a class of it's own. They are the only ones able to act on their racism since this country was built on their racism.

Other minorities can be bigots, have prejudices or be bias.........but racism is power.....and whites have all the power.

No it's not it's still racism and wrong.

Treating someone differently because of the color of their skin, no matter what that color, is wrong.

Whites have all the power? Yet this white woman was shown to be the lying garbage that she is. The black guy was vindicated. She had no power it would seem.

I'm Hispanic and have felt some prejudice decades ago. These days all has been great. IF ANYTHING there seems to be a disadvantage to being white.