Another perspective on Lebanon and Israel

In my opinion Iraq today would be send funds, weaponry, over to Afghanistan. True there is no love lost between Iraq & Iran but they both would love nothing more to see the fall of America, so yeah I believe Iraq would also be funding proxy armies to help the cause. You all wanna talk about how OBL & saddam hated each other and had hugely different beliefs, could be but there sure are plenty of AQ fighters in Iraq now. Bottom line is that they all had a common hatred for America and would certainly help in any way they could to bring death and destruction upon Americans how ever possible.

In my opinion Iraq today would be send funds, weaponry, over to Afghanistan.

Your "opinion" isn't backed up by any facts or evidence. There's no evidence Iraq supported islamic insurgents against us in somalia, in lebanon, or islamic insurgents in chechnay or kashmir. Saddam's beef wasn't with the US, with Russia, or with India.
In my opinion Iraq today would be send funds, weaponry, over to Afghanistan.

Your "opinion" isn't backed up by any facts or evidence. There's no evidence Iraq supported islamic insurgents against us in somalia, in lebanon, or islamic insurgents in chechnay or kashmir. Saddam's beef wasn't with the US, with Russia, or with India.

Yep, he was surely a guy who would want to see no harm come to the US. Now I can understand some of the arguments on your side of the table but to think he had nothing against the US is just plain ignoring reality.

Tell me though, how long was diplomacy to go before it would be obvious that it was not going to work. Is'nt 13 years of failed sanctions a bit of a clue that sadaam had no regard for international law? I personally see the UN as a waste but 13 years is just downright rediculous.
Yep, he was surely a guy who would want to see no harm come to the US. Now I can understand some of the arguments on your side of the table but to think he had nothing against the US is just plain ignoring reality.

Tell me though, how long was diplomacy to go before it would be obvious that it was not going to work. Is'nt 13 years of failed sanctions a bit of a clue that sadaam had no regard for international law? I personally see the UN as a waste but 13 years is just downright rediculous.

Plenty of tinpot dictator "want" to see harm come to the us.

But you don't kill thousands of american soldiers and spend half a trillion taxpayer dollars, unless the dictator is acting out aggresion against the U.S. There's no evidence saddam actively armed and supported islamic insurgents previously fighting the U.S. in Somalia or in Lebanon.
all I am saying is that there was NO evidence against OBL that we were aware of in the springtime of '96 that would have given us reason to take him into custody.

I am not apologizing for this guy...I am only stating facts. Just deal with it. Clinton could not have taken him into custody when Sudan offered him up because we had no reason to hold him.

Time out. The Sudan never had him, let alone offered him to Clinton. Total fabrication, mot to mention irrelevant.
You seriously need to STFU with your babble about what org. is representing what. All you point out for all to see is that there is many more factions of terrorism out there then some may be aware of.

Futhermore for my third day on the board I am already tired of hearing your typical lib attitude, quickly attacking with insults when discussions are'nt the way you see them. Take your diaper off and discuss a topic like a man for a change!

When do you plan to start offering valid rebuttals for us to discuss? Thus far, yo have offered nothing but straw men and non sequiturs, so if anybody needs to stfu it's you.