Its the Russians PLAYING UP RACISM asshole
you blame racism
Its the Russians PLAYING UP RACISM asshole
and you are playing right into that
the gig is up TQ
you fucked up BAD
I 100% believe Russia attacked America with the help,of white racist American men, the same men that have corrupting this country since they stole it from the Native American.
Now why do you think these same racist white American men should get a pass for their racist and corrupt behavior?
remember when I told you to fuck off recently?
you were down playing the Russian attack
you have been outed
Of course it’s racism what else is it?
This country was built on racism.
You implied his fireing was good enough and that the Russians made him do it.
I never said that Russians didn’t attack America, you assigned that to me. What I’ve said is that Russia has nothing to do with 400 years of institutional racism, discrimination, oppression and demonization of Black people by American born white americans.
You blow gasket when I just mention the truth.
I just want white Americans to take responsibility and end this madness the state of this union is in.
You won’t listen to anyone else so fix this shit!
So let me get this straight, Pantaleo is confronted by a large suspect accused by local merchants of illegally selling cigarettes. Garner refuses to comply with the requests of the arresting officer and is then wrestled to the ground. Garner continues to fight and struggle. Garner dies as a result of his struggle with officers trying to do their job.
A Grand Jury decides to NOT indict Pantaleo. Pantaleo is then subsequently fired and NY City pays $5.3 million to Garner's family for a death that wasn't Pantaleo's fault according to the Grand Jury.
Those are the facts; is there any doubt how fucked up our country is getting when unruly suspects can struggle with, fight and throw buckets of water with impunity at cops? I think the Police Union should sue on behalf of Garner to reinstate his FULL pension. I believe they will be successful.
Who in their right mind would want to be a NY City cop these days? Carry on.
first time Ive seen the right defend TQ
sure bolsters my pin pointing of TQ
Keeps his pension.....and privilege.
What are white people in America gonna do about this?
1. NYPD policy prohibited choke holds, which is what was used on Garner......
2. police are sworn to uphold and defend the constitution of the united states, so i'm left wondering how the state of NY can make selling a legal product, illegal............
so maybe this whole tragedy could have been avoided by NYPD not enforcing victimless crimes that may be unconstitutional. just saying
Then why did the Grand Jury not indict?
I am amused by the naive and farcical argument that local cities, Counties and States cannot regulate their commerce.
The tragedy could have been avoided if Garner had LEGALLY complied with the police's requests. I am amused that idiots believe that police have NO authority and that morons like you can defy them at will as if we live in a third world shit hole anarchy.
Idiots like you never blame the perps. It's always the cops fault perps are morons who break laws. Dumb.