Another Republican Bites The Dust

You don't want balance. You support Democrats. You support the conversion of the federal government into an oligarchy. You deny the Constitution of the United States.

What kind of fantasy world have you cobbled together in your twisted Trumpian btain? The oligopoly is a product of the Repubs with the endless tax cuts for the top ten percent dismissal of regulation. The Repubs have worked for the wealthy for generations. The question is are you just ignorant or lying?
What kind of fantasy world have you cobbled together in your twisted Trumpian btain?
The fantasy world is YOURS. You are just copying what has been cobbled together by Democrats and chanting it without thinking.
The oligopoly is a product of the Repubs
Any oligopoly or monopoly that forms corrects itself. Government is not needed. Competition will show up as some small company and shoot the kneecaps off the slow moving large companies. Oligopolies and monopolies can only be sustained by using government.
with the endless tax cuts for the top ten percent
Tax cuts were across the board, dumbass. Denial of history.
dismissal of regulation.
There is no need to regulation simply to stifle business.
The Repubs have worked for the wealthy for generations.
You mean like Biden? Obama? The Clintons? George Soros?
You're an idiot.
The question is are you just ignorant or lying?
It is no question that you are ignorant AND lying.