Another RINO kicked out

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.


Wow, Bob Bennet got to be him.

Doesn't matter right now if the Repubs kick all their moderates out and replace them with rightwing tongue talking loons. The democratic party doesn't have the ability to woo the moderates to their party because they have all the leftwing, treehugging, government interferers who will control the party in primaries. Between the two, moderate republicans are going to vote for fiscal conservatives and hold their nose on social issues. Dems fool themselves if they think any different.
I don't about that. It depends on what you mean. I would agree that not to many moderates are interested in voting for the stereotype tax and spend social welfare state liberal. I don't think their to interested in voting for right wing regressive borrow and spend like drunken sailors monopoly laizzes-fair capitalist either.

I'll put it to you like this as a economic conservaitve and a social liberal who was abandoned by the Republican party if I had to choose between Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush I'd choose Carter in a heart beat.

Ideology aside, competence count and that's where I'm really fed up with Republicans. They keep sending us one inept socially reactionary right wing nut after another. I don't care how much a person shares your values and beliefs, it's hard to work with the fuck ups the far right wants to foist on this nation. Say what you want to about Ralph Nader for example. One thing he is not is a fuck up.