Another school shooting

why is becomong more common ?

good question, schools are getting to big, teachers and school administrators dont give a shit about the kid who dont care about much, teachers have less power to confront and dissaplin the students
we had sevral shootings when i was in high school, none that were a major news story that i know of, besides one in junior high. i had aprox 1300 kids in my class, not school but class, it was nuts
I don't think the problem is discipline in the schools though. its more likely the problem comes from home life.

Do you think that if the teachers and adminitrators were more strict and/or caring toward the students this problem would abate?

Interestingly enough the students of the school liked this principal and it appears he took an active role in building relations with his students.
I believe it is because of an effect that I call the "Encompass Effect"...

What happens is something terrible happens, people are terribly effected, they attempt to encompass the idea with their minds. It may take a long or a short time for each person to get their minds around the idea of what happened. But once they do it is easier to consider it the next time, until those that may fall prey to such thoughts find it easier to encompass the idea to do something like this...

Does this make sense to anybody else?
I don't think the problem is discipline in the schools though. its more likely the problem comes from home life.

Do you think that if the teachers and adminitrators were more strict and/or caring toward the students this problem would abate?

Interestingly enough the students of the school liked this principal and it appears he took an active role in building relations with his students.

ya you probably more right, parent have everything too do with it, the thing is teachers and school employes spend more time with the kids then the parents do, not in all cases, but alot do.
I believe it is because of an effect that I call the "Encompass Effect"...

What happens is something terrible happens, people are terribly effected, they attempt to encompass the idea with their minds. It may take a long or a short time for each person to get their minds around the idea of what happened. But once they do it is easier to consider it the next time, until those that may fall prey to such thoughts find it easier to encompass the idea to do something like this...

Does this make sense to anybody else?

well you can blame it on alot of things... but think the bottom line is the kid or kids are have a major issue's and nobudy notices, or cares and even somtimes pray on thoes issues and drive em over the edge
I personally think it is a combination of lack of parental involvement and the break down of the American family.

Children are actually not being raised anymore. Their peers are the ones raising them and our society calls for even more time for children away from their family to be socialized by other children.

This is part of the reason I want to homeschool my daughter.
video games have to be the cause.
Actually I think it is just a symptom of our devolving society in America. The right wingers have been harping on how bad and decadent we are for a couple decades. Well we have started to believe em.
Actually I think it is a complicated issue, but the 2 above items have a part to play.
You keep telling someone how worthless they are and they will become worthless. Just look at toby. He was a fine upstanding pillar of society before people on run him into the ground ;)
I follow you Damo. How is such a thing reversed?
You would have to deliberately refocus the effect on the good, rather than such effects.

In earlier years children wouldn't have been focused on such circumstances to begin with. The newspaper would come, the Parents would read it but not pass such things on to the kids deeming it inappropriate. Thus those minds that can more easily encompass new ideation, and can more easily fall prey to such types of thoughts, would not have been exposed to it to begin with.

The news would have taken much longer to disseminate accross the nation and details would have been more carefully considered before printing/reporting...

In each step we can refocus energy, but first we must get the consent of society. If it does not become a priority to society, in a free speech society, there is no way to force the reporting to change, or the focus of it to change, unless by ratings they are shown to be ineffective.
video games have to be the cause.
Actually I think it is just a symptom of our devolving society in America. The right wingers have been harping on how bad and decadent we are for a couple decades. Well we have started to believe em.
Actually I think it is a complicated issue, but the 2 above items have a part to play.

ooo please.... video game are not the cause..... if anythng its the parents fault if they blame it on a video game.
They went away when the liberal agenda came into place.

It can't be that simple Toby. Europe and Canada are far more liberal and they don't have this problem to this degree.
Video games are an easy excuse for the parent who wasn't connected enough to their own children to understand where their thoughts may be going. Just as Ozzy was a convenient target for the self-same parents.