Another school shooting

Canada just had a recent shooting at a school. Shoot the kid who did it had a copy of that Columbine video game that simulates the attack on the school here.
Damo do you think the better path is to keep this information from children completely or to present it to them in a manner in which you may tell them about the morality of such an act.
Canada has this problem but not to the same degree. I was amazed at how safe the city of Montreal seemed when I visited. Perhaps they are beginning to have problems though. I heard of a mass shooting at the University there.

Perhaps they are asking the same question in Canada now.
I believe you must rely on the fundamental goodness apparent in people.

Present the idea in such a way that they may understand the consequences as well as the morality, and give the viewpoint of the victims more weight, "How would you feel if they came into your school?" type of questions...

This is how I would present this to my children when they are of age to ask about it.
Thats what I plan to do as well. I want to preempt any messages my children may get outside of the home and put them in a moral context.
Parenting requires a lot of work and I think the problem with our kids is that many parents either cannot or will not put in the immense investment required.