Loves Me Some Souls
name one lie of mine little boy
read the thread
You're smart? You claim that all the time even though it's clearly not true.
name one lie of mine little boy
read the thread
yes thank you
I will take another bow for this awesome thread
I won with facts back in 2013 even if everyone (but thingy) said I was just trusting Obama too much.
Turns out YOU guys were NOT TRUSTING ENOUGH of Obama and OUR INTEL.
AND that the Bush team damage some of us talked about was real.
You know
that their lies would lead the people to not trusting our intel people next time?
BINGO another one for me
and I proved to be correct about the intel back then
bingo again
and then that I caught a couple of idiot cons trashing Obama for wanting to follow that intel and bomb Syrian military assets to save innocent lives.
Only to get to remind them That their orange Homey did just that and didn't ask the UN
sprinkles on top
well gentle reader ?
I know you are there
reading and NOT posting
here is my secret
learn to discern crap from reality
you have all the tools to do what I do
Im just some smuck
A chick who loves facts and is willing to follow them wherever they send me
because the only place I want to be is reality
yeah lieworld might be fun for awhile
that is what TV shows are for
watch reality as dedicatedly as you would your favorite bingeing show
if some smuck like me can learn how to tell fact from fiction just by showing the subject some effort
so can you
Im dying for people to show me where Im wrong
that is what democracy is
slapping each other into reality with facts
No voice silenced
all of us screaming at each other to make sure the facts win
Democracy is messy
but it beats the fuck out of EVERYTHING ELSE
Join this smuck stand up for ONLY the truth
get up stand up
stand up for your rights
and the truth
post 61
read it all the way through and tell me were in it I bragged about being smart buttbreath
You're smart? You claim that all the time even though it's clearly not true.
go get one instance on this site where I brag about being smart
and then maybe you can be raised to the level of smuck
Just like a white person to start ordering a nigger to go do some shit. And be careful what you wish for, you may actually want to consider learning how to delete some of your posts honky bitch.
did you just have a reality break
Its just not fun discussing politics with insane people who suddenly mentally break with reality and threaten you randomly and or piss their pants.
go change your underoos
and lets remember this thread is proof of me being correct and praising the facts for that
and you did what in this thread?!
This is a grand one
I was arguing intel proved Assad attacked his own citizens with Chemical weapons.
the whole fucking site was against me
except Thingy
I turned out to be correct YET again
kudos Thingy
you were correct too
name one lie of mine
and proving it
Ha ha ha. Really?
No. Not really.
Of course not, you're a liar and a pussy.