APP - Antarctic Ice Levels Hit Record High

Okay, fair enough so this "Michael Asher" blogger wrote two sea ice posts on some blog called "daily tech": one post in 2007 (your link) and one again in 2009 that claimed virutally the same thing about the university of Illinois sea ice data.

Do you have anything to say about the fact that University of Illinois themselves took the unusual step of going out of their way to issue a press release indicating that this Michael Asher dude is mischaracterizing their data?

It is truly amazing that the fear mongering denialists such as Cypress continually spout off the absurd claim that 'science is on their side' or rely on government agencies committed to propagating this myth in order to gain more control over the populace for their 'credibility'.

Yet ask them to answer any of the questions raised from the constant stream of problems the IPCC and others have with their faked 'science' and all you get is....

'we have government agencies on our side'
'we will not answer those questions'
'all ur info must be coming from right wing bloggers (or now his very favorite... call everyone who disagrees a 'teabagger')'

Bottom line, people like Cypress are complete lemmings. He has no control over his own thoughts. He is spoon fed his lying propaganda from his masters. He refuses to look at or refute any evidence against his masters fear mongering. For if he were to admit there is a problem, it would show the world what most of us already know and force him to admit to himself... that he is indeed one of the greatest fools on this planet.

There is a 110 page report on the use of weather stations linked above Cypress. Do read it. I know you won't read the weekly standard piece because of the source, but for the rest of you, feel free to point out the highlights of that article that list all the problems that the brain dead kool aid drinking fear mongering denialist lemmings like Cypress will continually refuse to address.