APP - Anthony Case Illustrates Importance of Marriage


Loyal to the end
...the leading cause of all social pathologies is single motherhood. One way or another, Casey Anthony's refusal to give up Caylee for adoption was going to cost society -- and cost Caylee.

The statistics are so jaw-dropping that not giving up an illegitimate child for adoption ought to be considered child abuse.

Various studies have shown that children raised by a single mother comprise about 70 percent of juvenile murderers, delinquents, teenaged mothers, drug abusers, dropouts, suicides and runaways. Imagine an America with 70 percent fewer of these social disorders and you will see what liberals' destruction of marriage has wrought.

A 1990 study by the (liberal) Progressive Policy Institute showed that, after controlling for single motherhood, the difference in black and white crime rates disappeared.

Meanwhile, adopted kids, on average, turn out better than even biological kids raised in two-parent families.
LOL As predicted, Solitary brings up his pet issue: gay marriage.

Another prediction is that his fellow social liberals won't be accusing him of being a closet gay. Instead they'll call folks who don't support gay marriage as being closet gays.
Yes, lets show the absolute importance of marriage when considering raising children. Allowing gays to marry would provide more high quality homes for children awaiting adoption.

That would take care of the tens of thousands of children awaiting adoption, plus provide potential homes for all the children forcibly removed from single-parent homes.

I assume you posted this for DS' benefit, but that's obviously not true, as there aren't tens of thousands of couples looking to adopt...
I assume you posted this for DS' benefit, but that's obviously not true, as there aren't tens of thousands of couples looking to adopt...

Not according to the gay committee. We need gay marriage so they can adopt kids and screw up the next generation. *shrug*
I assume you posted this for DS' benefit, but that's obviously not true, as there aren't tens of thousands of couples looking to adopt...

It was a sarcastic post.

But I would point out that the entire thread is laughable.

SM wants to say that the Anthony case is proof of the importance of marriage. However, an intact marriage produced a murderer who killed her own child, disposed of the body, and then lied to authorities about it.
As much as you like gay marriage, this thread isn't about that.

And the Anthony case is a clear illustration of a dysfunctional mom who murdered her child, despite the fact that she was raised by married parents.

And SM, there is only one person who on this forum who posts more often on gays and gay marriage, and that would be you.
You're the one who brought up gays. Again.

Indeed I did. How clever of you to notice that. :good4u: :clap:

But that has nothing to do with what I had just said, does it?

So.......back to the topic, does the Anthony case illustrate the importance of marriage? It might if you ignore the fact that a murderer was raised by married parents. It also might if there weren't allegations of child abuse against the father by the murderer.
You rail on me for not discussing the topic, when you first post tried to divert the topic to your pet topic. Fucking hilarious. :lol:
You rail on me for not discussing the topic, when you first post tried to divert the topic to your pet topic. Fucking hilarious. :lol:

Yep, I did. And I have seen that you can read my name. Impressive.

Its hardly a zing when you point out that I posted a single post about gay marriage, and you have addressed that post or my making that post 6 or 7 times.

So one of us mentioned something, and the other has continued to stay focused on it in post after post after post after post.

The best "Zing" is that you created a thread and now avoid the topic. Its bad enough when you do it in someone else's thread, but when you derail the topic on your own thread it is hilarious.
Anthony Case Illustrates Importance of Marriage

I actually thought about this the other day, no one is talking about this woman's situation, not knowing who the father of her child is, etc. Liberals are all about free love and sex without consequences or responsibility... oh, who are they hurting? Oh, why must you be such a prude? Why do you want to force everyone to live by your standards? It's nobody's business... yadda yadda yadda. But here is a prime example of the kind of person you produce in a society devoid of morals and standards of decency, and no one wants to even mention it.

Now enter the pinhead who says... Wuuh what about HER parents who WERE married? Well, her parents didn't beat the living daylights out of her the first time she showed signs of immoral behavior! They didn't teach their daughter to be an honest, moral, and ethical person! Probably because they have been inundated by a society which says... Bah, leave them be... let them have their fun... who are they hurting... what's the harm? Well... the harm is, they can grow up to be sociopaths like Casey, who kill their kids and don't think twice about it!

When I was 6-years-old, I stole a candy bar from the drugstore, and when my Dad caught me eating it, I tried to lie my way out of it... I think I still have the scars on my ass from the beating I got. That has stuck with me my whole life, I have never taken anything that didn't belong to me since. But how I was raised, and how many of the older folk here were raised, by today's standards, would be considered child abuse. And OUR parents were far more gentle and understanding than THEIR parents or the generations before. Kids just aren't disciplined the way they once were, and the ramifications are becoming more and more apparent in our society.
