APP - Anthony Case Illustrates Importance of Marriage

I actually thought about this the other day, no one is talking about this woman's situation, not knowing who the father of her child is, etc. Liberals are all about free love and sex without consequences or responsibility... oh, who are they hurting? Oh, why must you be such a prude? Why do you want to force everyone to live by your standards? It's nobody's business... yadda yadda yadda. But here is a prime example of the kind of person you produce in a society devoid of morals and standards of decency, and no one wants to even mention it.

Now enter the pinhead who says... Wuuh what about HER parents who WERE married? Well, her parents didn't beat the living daylights out of her the first time she showed signs of immoral behavior! They didn't teach their daughter to be an honest, moral, and ethical person! Probably because they have been inundated by a society which says... Bah, leave them be... let them have their fun... who are they hurting... what's the harm? Well... the harm is, they can grow up to be sociopaths like Casey, who kill their kids and don't think twice about it!

When I was 6-years-old, I stole a candy bar from the drugstore, and when my Dad caught me eating it, I tried to lie my way out of it... I think I still have the scars on my ass from the beating I got. That has stuck with me my whole life, I have never taken anything that didn't belong to me since. But how I was raised, and how many of the older folk here were raised, by today's standards, would be considered child abuse. And OUR parents were far more gentle and understanding than THEIR parents or the generations before. Kids just aren't disciplined the way they once were, and the ramifications are becoming more and more apparent in our society.

Liberal society had taught her that her own own wants supersede the needs of others, even if the other is her own child and the child's need is simple survival.

I actually thought about this the other day, no one is talking about this woman's situation, not knowing who the father of her child is, etc. Liberals are all about free love and sex without consequences or responsibility... oh, who are they hurting? Oh, why must you be such a prude? Why do you want to force everyone to live by your standards? It's nobody's business... yadda yadda yadda. But here is a prime example of the kind of person you produce in a society devoid of morals and standards of decency, and no one wants to even mention it.

Now enter the pinhead who says... Wuuh what about HER parents who WERE married? Well, her parents didn't beat the living daylights out of her the first time she showed signs of immoral behavior! They didn't teach their daughter to be an honest, moral, and ethical person! Probably because they have been inundated by a society which says... Bah, leave them be... let them have their fun... who are they hurting... what's the harm? Well... the harm is, they can grow up to be sociopaths like Casey, who kill their kids and don't think twice about it!

When I was 6-years-old, I stole a candy bar from the drugstore, and when my Dad caught me eating it, I tried to lie my way out of it... I think I still have the scars on my ass from the beating I got. That has stuck with me my whole life, I have never taken anything that didn't belong to me since. But how I was raised, and how many of the older folk here were raised, by today's standards, would be considered child abuse. And OUR parents were far more gentle and understanding than THEIR parents or the generations before. Kids just aren't disciplined the way they once were, and the ramifications are becoming more and more apparent in our society.

Dixie I agree with you that discipline is sorely lacking in the way children are raised today. That is our fundamental issue.
Liberal society had taught her that her own own wants supersede the needs of others, even if the other is her own child and the child's need is simple survival.

So is it unmarried mothers or society that ruins these children?

First you want it to be because all of these kid had only one parent. Now its about society teaching her?
Actually it's more indicative of the growing disparity in wealth. You talk about single parents? What about no parents cause both have to work to make up for the last 30 years of stagnation in wages thanks to right wing out sourcing and trickle down economics. If there was a more fair distribution of wealth that has occured from the increase in productivity in which those who have produced that wealth are not sharing then maybe more mothers can stay at home to better watch after the needs of their kids.

But have you ever tried to explain that to a wingnut? Oh hell, no. They just want to blame the faggots.
Actually it's more indicative of the growing disparity in wealth. You talk about single parents? What about no parents cause both have to work to make up for the last 30 years of stagnation in wages thanks to right wing out sourcing and trickle down economics. If there was a more fair distribution of wealth that has occured from the increase in productivity in which those who have produced that wealth are not sharing then maybe more mothers can stay at home to better watch after the needs of their kids.

But have you ever tried to explain that to a wingnut? Oh hell, no. They just want to blame the faggots.

That's hilarious Moot. Do you have anything to back up any of your assertions? Anything at all?
Actually it's more indicative of the growing disparity in wealth. .....

Here we go with more class warfare rhetoric! Mott... it doesn't fucking matter WHAT we do as a society, there will always, and forever, be some level of growing disparity in wealth. Look.... it's like there is a marathon race, and all kinds of people are entered in it... some of those people are avid marathon runners, some are couch potatoes... as the race progresses, there are going to be some people who distance themselves from others, for a variety of reasons... that should be common fucking billy-goat sense, but you don't seem to get it! No matter what we do, how much we try, there will always be (in a free capitalist society) people who become wealthier and people who remain poor. Just as there are people who are marathon runners and people who are couch potatoes, and they will never be on the same pace in the defies logic and reality.
Here we go with more class warfare rhetoric! Mott... it doesn't fucking matter WHAT we do as a society, there will always, and forever, be some level of growing disparity in wealth. Look.... it's like there is a marathon race, and all kinds of people are entered in it... some of those people are avid marathon runners, some are couch potatoes... as the race progresses, there are going to be some people who distance themselves from others, for a variety of reasons... that should be common fucking billy-goat sense, but you don't seem to get it! No matter what we do, how much we try, there will always be (in a free capitalist society) people who become wealthier and people who remain poor. Just as there are people who are marathon runners and people who are couch potatoes, and they will never be on the same pace in the defies logic and reality.

That's fine, however, there is no reason why the poor and ill can not be given the basic necessities of life such as nutritious food and proper medical care and decent shelter.

There is a difference dealing with poverty in places like Sudan where food and other necessities are not available and dealing with poverty here where there are ample resources. One example: the foreclosed homes that remain empty and are deteriorating while families are living in motel rooms.

As a society we've been so indoctrinated to believe one must earn what they get that giving to those who are unable to do so is frowned upon. The unemployed. The welfare recipient. The poor elderly. It's always their fault they're in the situation they find themselves.

That twisted way of thinking is a hold-over from the days when an illness was considered an act of God to punish people. People's misfortune was considered God's doing, His way of dealing with people. Of course, that was propagated by the "Have's" so they wouldn't have to share.

To give an example of twisted thinking there is still a law in Canada where should one win a contest they are required to answer a skill-testing question. Say Pepsi offers a contest and names are drawn from participating contestants. Before the person is allowed to collect the prize they have to answer a mathematical question. Usually it's quite basic but the reason behind it is one can not receive something for nothing. They have to have "earned" it. That way of thinking, that perverted reasoning, is still with us.

That is what has to change.