Anti-Semitic Beliefs Grow Among Evangelicals

Jews killed some guy that never existed. G-Zeus is the real name of the no one ever born.

Oops, there never was a jesus, april fools!

Yup, just a publishing scam from homosexual romans and their castrated eunuchs.

Thats what you get for believing in fairytales. Sodom and gamora, right under your nose, all over again.
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Your anecdotal example is the opposite of mine. I was taken to Baptist church growing up and never heard one unkind word spoken about Jews. In fact, they always said Jews were God's chosen people.

Left wing democrats are the most anti-semitic "group" I've ever encountered. They hide behind the word "anti-Zionist" but their true feelings and motivations are evident to anyone with a functioning brain.

Most Jews vote Democrat because they are self-loathing.
Your anecdotal example is the opposite of mine. I was taken to Baptist church growing up and never heard one unkind word spoken about Jews. In fact, they always said Jews were God's chosen people.

Left wing democrats are the most anti-semitic "group" I've ever encountered. They hide behind the word "anti-Zionist" but their true feelings and motivations are evident to anyone with a functioning brain.

Hmm. Well, given that the vast majority of our neighbors and fellow church ppl were conservative, your "left wing democrat" meme didn't fly, at least in the time and the locale where I grew up. As my initial post on this subject indicated, we were rooting for the Israelis against Egypt and the other ME countries during the wars in the 60s/70s. Nothing to do with religion at all; it was our instinctive sympathy for the little underdog against the bullies. I still feel that way about the country of Israel, although as an American citizen I also feel free to criticize their govt. policies against the Palestinians at times. As for Jews themselves, when it comes to those of faith I much prefer them over the pushy in-your-face evangelical Xtians. Jews as a people and faith have existed a very long time, often against great odds, and have seen persecution the like of which early Xtians' travails were nothing. They face life with humor, grace, strength, and an abiding sense of their wonderful history. My impression of most liberals is that they feel the same about Jews.

I think you are confusing criticism of Israeli govt. policy with hatred of Jewish ppl themselves, which is what anti-semitic means. It's a common fallacy on the Right. You also mistake criticism of our own govt. for hating America and Americans.
Most Jews vote Democrat because they are self-loathing.
I should add this to my ever growing compilation of anti semitic conservative posts .
Jewish people are perfectly capable of deciding who best represents their interest , and overwhelmingly and consistently they have shown preference for the Democratic party .
I should add this to my ever growing compilation of anti semitic conservative posts .
Jewish people are perfectly capable of deciding who best represents their interest , and overwhelmingly and consistently they have shown preference for the Democratic party .

They vote Democrat because they are liberals first, and their spirituality is so far down the list as to be non-existent. No devout Jew would vote for the death of the unborn unless they are self-loathing and desire to go to hell. Same with Catholics. So take your antisemitism bullshit, roll it in a cone and shove it so far up your ass that you obtain a point in your forehead.

Most Jews vote Democrat because they are self-loathing.
I should add this to my ever growing compilation of anti semitic conservative posts .

Jewish people are perfectly capable of deciding who best represents their interest , and overwhelmingly and consistently they have shown preference for the Democratic party .
Mission accomplished.

Another degenerate anti-semitic post by a Trump-lover is added to the greatest hits list.

JPP dot Com's Conservative Anti-Semites Greatest Hits >>>
Trump-loving, Rightwing posters on this message board are trafficking in overt and degenerate anti-Semitism

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country

Jewish-Americans are among the most reliably liberal and Democratic voters in the United States

“He's making your triggered head explode….I'm sorry, Jew boy. – as stated by a Trump supporter to a Jewish poster

“Blame the God-damned Jews for the death of Jesus!” – A Trump-lover explains why we should hate and blame the Jews for the death of Jesus.

Yes, the Gospels are antisemitic (a nonsense term used by anti-Christian fcktards and bigots), as is the whole Bible!” – a Trump-lover explains why the Bible is, and should be, anti-Semitic

“Most Jews vote Democrat because they are self-loathing.” – A Trump voter explains why Jewish people vote for Democrats
Mission accomplished.

Another degenerate anti-semitic post by a Trump-lover is added to the greatest hits list.

JPP dot Com's Conservative Anti-Semites Greatest Hits >>>

Here's the USA Christian Nation claiming to be Jesus as master race, but due to circumstances of "serve the Pope or die" in extermination of 4 million Islam after those burning Bush's Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" 9/11 health care plan repeating Nazi Germany extermination of 6 million to satisfy Catholic Church deal brokering; there's no more economics funding from the nutshell.
the republican party is racist as hell

its why so Many diverse American communities don't vote republican

and in return the Republicans disparage them for doing so

because they are the sociopathic racist party
Anti jewish bias in conservative and traditional christinity is not a well guarded secret.

I have personally seen anti Jewish prejudice in orthodox Christian communities .

The view of utterly obscure and anonymous poster RB 60 >>>
You're a liar!

The view from one of the world's foremost and most prestigious Jewish organizations >>>

The New York-based Anti-Defamation League on Thursday urged the world's Orthodox Christian leaders to support a Christian proposal to excise ancient anti-Semitic passages from their liturgy. The move comes less than two months after a group of Orthodox priests issued a public declaration calling on the Orthodox Church to review its longstanding theology towards Jews and the State of Israel, and to remove anti-Semitic passages from its liturgy. The 10-page priestly declaration, which was first reported in The Jerusalem Post, calls for the renunciation of replacement theology and the removal of anti-Semitic passages from Church liturgy - particularly in Easter services. The dozen Orthodox priests who signed the declaration - some in open defiance of directives from their church leadership - are representative of five different Orthodox Churches, including the Russian, Greek, Ukrainian, Georgian and Ecumenical Orthodox Churches. "We call on Orthodox Christian leaders to begin the process now to remove anti-Semitic passages from its liturgy," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL national director, terming the effort "long overdue." "Untold numbers of Jews have suffered throughout the centuries, and today, in some countries where these churches are prominent, Jews are confronted by growing anti-Semitism, because of the failure to address this," he added.
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