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By supporting groups that believe Israel should be "wiped off the map".
So here we have an anti semite telling a Jew that he hates Israel. Only in your perverted mind.
By supporting groups that believe Israel should be "wiped off the map".
So here we have an anti semite telling a Jew that he hates Israel. Only in your perverted mind.
You're a leftwinger. It's a requirement for you to hate Israel to be in the club.
Yes, all Jews hate Israel, its only the anti-semites like you who can appreciate it. Time to have your head examined.
You're a leftwinger. It's a requirement for you to hate Israel to be in the club.
what an ignorant dirty rightwing goy
Secular Jews like you hate Israel. You're willing to sell out Israel on behalf of Jew haters that have claimed they want Israel wiped off the map.
such a stupid goy, most israelis are secular , Israel is a democratic country and Jews worldwide don't walk in lock step on her politics or policies now
you rightwing christer goy have a cartoonish view of Jews and israel, colored by your fundamentalist understanding of your baboonish book and your fundy religious leaders