Trouble is the left has the tv networks 100% on their side.
The problem is way more profoundly abusive than that!
Trouble is the left has the tv networks 100% on their side.
I’m speaking more to this idea that white people should walk around thinking they are oppressed. It’s a fvxked up mindset. It does not benefit you. It doesn’t benefit minorities to have it and sure as hell doesn’t benefit white people.
I’m speaking more to this idea that white people should walk around thinking they are oppressed. It’s a fvxked up mindset. It does not benefit you. It doesn’t benefit minorities to have it and sure as hell doesn’t benefit white people.
Trannys like you are the beneficiary. Congrats.
All I'm doing is pointing out the utter absurdity of the Left's positions on race. They are so fucked up it's like taking being fucked up to an entirely new level of stupidity beyond any level previously seen.
Equal opportunity has been tried for 50 years and failed. Blacks and women are just not good at tech so now we have to give them jobs they are unqualified for.
'Give them jobs they are unqualified for"?
Yes, the anti-racism movement is the left’s new religion. But the claim was white people are oppressed. Is that how you feel? Do you walk around America each day feeling oppressed?
Too bad it's like everything else the Left touches. They've become the biggest racists in the country now. Sure, there's that tiny minority of utterly stupid radical Right neo-Nazi, White supremists loitering about but they're nothing. Everybody hates on them.
The Left though has institutionalized racism in universities, is doing it to public schools, and passed laws that will increase it.
Whites aren't "oppressed," yet. But it's damn clear if the Left gets their way they will be. I don't think the minorities in those flea bag apartments down in the barrio or gunfire district feel I'm oppressing them coming there to fix their electrical problems either. In fact, the most shit I have to take from customers is usually some middle class White. They whine about everything. It's like they're looking for a reason to whine about something.
. Sure, there's that tiny minority of utterly stupid radical Right neo-Nazi, White supremists loitering about but they're nothing. .
I’m well aware of Critical Race Theory and what’s happening at Universities as well the left’s new religion of the anti- racism movement. Here, I’m speaking to the ideas of whites being oppressed.
I’ll share an anecdotal story. I got my high school newsletter/magazine recently. It was basically all about social justice. In it, they interviewed a Senior. A young black student. He said he learned this year that he was oppressed. Leaving aside that he goes to a top private high school in Oakland where 99% of the kids go to college, just think of the mindset and what that does to you. And now you have Hawkeye, a 60 year old white male, saying he’s oppressed as well.
Should Hawkeye and this kid get together to discuss how they are both oppressed? Victimhood can be a like a drug, people derive power from it. By no means do all white people in this country have it easy. But white people are oppressed? Not buying it.
the only systemic discrimination is against white males, in the form of affirmative action. fact.
Actually, at the University level at least, AA hurts Asians the most. Fact
I’m well aware of Critical Race Theory and what’s happening at Universities as well the left’s new religion of the anti- racism movement. Here, I’m speaking to the ideas of whites being oppressed.
I’ll share an anecdotal story. I got my high school newsletter/magazine recently. It was basically all about social justice. In it, they interviewed a Senior. A young black student. He said he learned this year that he was oppressed. Leaving aside that he goes to a top private high school in Oakland where 99% of the kids go to college, just think of the mindset and what that does to you. And now you have Hawkeye, a 60 year old white male, saying he’s oppressed as well.
Should Hawkeye and this kid get together to discuss how they are both oppressed? Victimhood can be a like a drug, people derive power from it. By no means do all white people in this country have it easy. But white people are oppressed? Not buying it.
you fuckin gasbag, you're an 'oppressed' little white fuck among 234,000,000 other white 'oppressed' people.......that's some stupid shit even from you
the only systemic discrimination is against white males, in the form of affirmative action. fact.
Actually, at the University level at least, AA hurts Asians the most. Fact
you fuckin gasbag, you're an 'oppressed' little white fuck among 234,000,000 other white 'oppressed' people.......that's some stupid shit even from you