Any good Muslims here?

as you omitted the fact that christians quote leviticus :clink:
Mr pot.
No, I did not. I quoted it and then added the fact that they also quote Romans, which you had conveniently left out because it doesn't fit into your "OT only" argument.
So you did say that christians quoted leviticus ?
I quoted your post and added another group that you simply decided to conveniently omit. The one that makes your argument baseless. I did not say, "No they don't"... Nor did I attempt to mislead by not quoting or removing Leviticus. Now you are attempting to spin out of your misdirection.
Damo it is rediculous to expect someone to make an all inclusive post.

Picky picky.
However, it isn't when you are attempting to say that they only use the OT in such criticism. It is deliberate misdirection. I simply point it out.
However, it isn't when you are attempting to say that they only use the OT in such criticism. It is deliberate misdirection. I simply point it out.

JERK, show me where I implied or said they ONLY used the old testament. Do you deny that christians do use the old testament to justify their views.

damn spinning republicans.
JERK, show me where I implied or said they ONLY used the old testament. Do you deny that christians do use the old testament to justify their views.

damn spinning republicans.

I believe the OT brutality was included to show the horror of ethnocentrism and racism, a point of contrast for the coming lesson of christ: ELISTISM SUCKS.
JERK, show me where I implied or said they ONLY used the old testament. Do you deny that christians do use the old testament to justify their views.

damn spinning republicans.
Awww... . How cute. He said "jerk"....

I stated your omission was purposeful to imply that. My inclusion ruined it, thus your need to spin out of it. Again, show where I stated that Christians do not quote Leviticus. In fact, you cannot, because I included your quote and stated that you left out that they also use Romans, a NT book....

Your exclusion of it is because you want it to appear that Christians only use that book because you believe it would negate their view.

What negates the Leviticus view is the NT. In Corinthians it speaks of some who "were effeminate" but had been redeemed, thus suggesting that it is not only forgivable, but as easily forgiven as any other sin.

The NT New Covenant is clear on the forgiveness rather than the death aspects of the OT. If you notice, even Phelps isn't running around with rocks ready to smite all people who are homosexuals or witches. While many Christians take a different view than what I see in the books, it doesn't change that Homosexuality is mentioned as a sin in both areas of the Bible.

Paul's letters pretty much explain the New Covenant in depth. It shows how things that were sins were still sins, but those things that were solely to remain "cleansed" enough to be in God's presence no longer were necessary because of the perfect sacrifice.
Damn damo.............

Awww... . How cute. He said "jerk"....

I stated your omission was purposeful to imply that. My inclusion ruined it, thus your need to spin out of it. Again, show where I stated that Christians do not quote Leviticus. In fact, you cannot, because I included your quote and stated that you left out that they also use Romans, a NT book....

Your exclusion of it is because you want it to appear that Christians only use that book because you believe it would negate their view.

What negates the Leviticus view is the NT. In Corinthians it speaks of some who "were effeminate" but had been redeemed, thus suggesting that it is not only forgivable, but as easily forgiven as any other sin.

The NT New Covenant is clear on the forgiveness rather than the death aspects of the OT. If you notice, even Phelps isn't running around with rocks ready to smite all people who are homosexuals or witches. While many Christians take a different view than what I see in the books, it doesn't change that Homosexuality is mentioned as a sin in both areas of the Bible.

Paul's letters pretty much explain the New Covenant in depth. It shows how things that were sins were still sins, but those things that were solely to remain "cleansed" enough to be in God's presence no longer were necessary because of the perfect sacrifice.

You missed your should be a are equal to Huckabee...ya have it down pat!;)
Damo, a pretty nice wordy diversion from you assertion that I said / Implied that Christinas only quoted leviticus about gays being a sin.

You are skewered for you arrogance.
Yes of course I understand that but it appears that most "Christians" do not. At least to my 20 years or so of church experience.

why would they be quoting leviticus against gays otherwise ?


Here you imply that they are too "stupid" to understand the New Covenant and that they therefore quote Leviticus. I pointed out that they also quote Romans which was written to actually EXPLAIN the New Covenant.

It most definitely "implies" that they are quoting something that shouldn't be.

Damo, a pretty nice wordy diversion from you assertion that I said / Implied that Christinas only quoted leviticus about gays being a sin.

You are skewered for you arrogance.

You have skewered yourself on your own sit and spin (by Mattel)...

You argument was fatally flawed damo in saying that I said/implied that they only quoted leviticus.

Very well written arguments and all but based on an incorrect assumption on your part..
Here is where you show your ignorance... and yes I did take a Comparative World Religen class in high school, and in college.

Not all Muslams belive that Islam teaches them to kill, just like not all Christians belive in lynching black people, or shooting abortion doctors.

Here is where I call you a dick--dick. lol

I said I was not a theology major. How many bibels do they have?

Show me where the Christian bible say it is OK to lynch black people, and shoot abortion doctors.

Is it in the muslium book (cause I can't spell Quran) to kill all infidels (that means you and me chump), and the crap you mention is not in the Christian bible. See any difference there--stupid? You never learned how to compare apples to apples.
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Are there any sane christians here? .. given the christian penchant for mass-murder.

Hey--have you any facts to back that up? My area is about 70% Christian--and I would love to have some ammo. :)

Please PM me with some links or something. My printer is ready. :)
The old testament is part of the christian bible , ever read it ?
God told the people of israel to kill all men women and children who did not flee before them. ie Jericho was the beginning point and a celebrated part of the bible in all the christian churches I have attended.

I do have some evidence that may be true (not a church goer here). There is a church near a bar I hang out at-lol (lots of churches and bars here) that has the words on the top of the building that goes something like this. "If one does not find Christ our lord, and worship him--may he be anathema (which means particularly disliked). I just looked up the meaning of anathema--and I can't wait to tell them my message of their hatred toward me. It is right there on the front of their building that they hate me.