Scut Farkus
Sorry I was supposed to respond to NikodemPoplawski.
He said it was like Nazi Germany. I clarified his error.
no you didn't.
Sorry I was supposed to respond to NikodemPoplawski.
He said it was like Nazi Germany. I clarified his error.
No doubt you've whined that same excuse for 36 years now.
no you didn't.
No doubt you've whined that same excuse for 36 years now.
Sorry I was supposed to respond to NikodemPoplawski.
He said it was like Nazi Germany. I clarified his error.
I meant most in Nazi Germany were wrong.
Not that we live like Nazi Germany.
go for it.
Go for what?
your dark and bloody pol pot-like coups attempt.
I knew what you mean. You made a wrong comparison. Those who were right in Nazi Germany either were jailed or killed. So of course the "majority" would be wrong. LOL.
you didnt understand.
Is that what you took from my posts?
Okay what did I not understand?
what did you understand?
is it?
Nope. You misunderstood my posts.
are you sure?
Yes. Why would I want anyone jailed or killed? You should know better than that.
should I?