Anybody ever to Japan?

My personal experience as a young man in Asia made me look to Europe as an overseas vacation site when I became older.

Not logical, I admit, but we have great Asian restaurants in Greater Boston and I'm content to frequent those.

Now that I'm older, I might have enjoyed visits to Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, and until recently, Hong Kong.
Too old to travel that far now.
My son works for a fintech company in Tokyo
Been trying to go there since last year but no flights from Thailand. My son only met his boss in the flesh for the first time two weeks ago. He wants to get out and travel more but can't right now.

He's been to Hokkaido and Sapporo before Covid and he started work. The new Hokkaido Shinkansen travels the 825 km (513 miles) from Tokyo to near Hakodate, Hokkaido's southern port city, in just over four hours. From there it's another 3.5 hours to Sapporo on the Sokuto Express. My son says it's well worth spending a few days there up in the mountains.

You can also take an overnight express from Tokyo. Of course you could always fly from Narita and comeback by train. I certainly intend to do that when I can. Might well spend an afternoon getting pissed at the Sapporo brewery, deep joy!

You'll love the Seikan railway tunnel at over 33 miles it's the longest in the world. At its deepest point it's over 800 ft below sea level.
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My son works for a fintech company in Tokyo
Been trying to go there since last year but no flights from Thailand. My son only met his boss in the flesh for the first time two weeks ago. He wants to get out and travel more but can't right now.

He's been to Hokkaido and Sapporo before Covid and he started work. The new Hokkaido Shinkansen travels the 825 km (513 miles) from Tokyo to near Hakodate, Hokkaido's southern port city, in just over four hours. From there it's another 3.5 hours to Sapporo on the Sokuto Express. My son says it's well worth spending a few days there up in the mountains.

You can also take an overnight express from Tokyo. Of course you could always fly from Narita and comeback by train. I certainly intend to do that when I can. Might well spend an afternoon getting pissed at the Sapporo brewery, deep joy!

You'll love the Seikan railway tunnel at over 33 miles it's the longest in the world. At its deepest point it's over 800 ft below sea level.

Nobody been there?