Anybody got cool Plans for the 4th ?


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I have an Aunt in St. Louis that says she plans on going to the Golf Course, Swimming Pool, and Gym.
I talked to my Brother in SoCal, and he tells me his son (a Border Patrol Agent) and his wife (a California Highway Patrol cop) are taking a plane to go to Florida. :palm:

Me. I've ordered two books and a DVD (Bad Times at the El Royal) from Amazon and will be in seclusion for the weekend. :(
I have an Aunt in St. Louis that says she plans on going to the Golf Course, Swimming Pool, and Gym.
I talked to my Brother in SoCal, and he tells me his son (a Border Patrol Agent) and his wife (a California Highway Patrol cop) are taking a plane to go to Florida. :palm:

Me. I've ordered two books and a DVD (Bad Times at the El Royal) from Amazon and will be in seclusion for the weekend. :(
Yes, of course;) It's the 4th:usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:
I have an Aunt in St. Louis that says she plans on going to the Golf Course, Swimming Pool, and Gym.
I talked to my Brother in SoCal, and he tells me his son (a Border Patrol Agent) and his wife (a California Highway Patrol cop) are taking a plane to go to Florida. :palm:

Me. I've ordered two books and a DVD (Bad Times at the El Royal) from Amazon and will be in seclusion for the weekend. :(

Hopefully, get the window AC in and stay put. Our area is considered a top summer destination and we are sticking to staying around our house in orchard country outside the populated areas. Maybe get some of our areas famous Cherries since the orchards often have little market stands.
Hello Jack,

I have an Aunt in St. Louis that says she plans on going to the Golf Course, Swimming Pool, and Gym.
I talked to my Brother in SoCal, and he tells me his son (a Border Patrol Agent) and his wife (a California Highway Patrol cop) are taking a plane to go to Florida. :palm:

Me. I've ordered two books and a DVD (Bad Times at the El Royal) from Amazon and will be in seclusion for the weekend. :(

No big plans.

We'll be doing the patriotic thing, which to us during the pandemic means protecting our fellow Americans by staying out of crowds. All of the public fireworks displays have been cancelled so we'll just hang at the house and enjoy our time and our freedom to do as we please. And all is not lost. We live in a mixed politics area and the cult is well represented. There are cult members nearby with lots of money who often fire off their own fireworks. I suspect that since there won't be any public displays these home-grown displays will be increased this year. We will be able to step outside and enjoy plenty of live fireworks.

We won't be able to comfort our pets very much, who normally hide under furniture totally freaked out when humans do this, because they are usually quite terrified and not very receptive at those times. But at least we will be there and able to try.

The thing about the amateur fireworks displays is there is no rhyme or reason to them. The professional ones are so amazing these days, with themes, ebbs and flows, followed by the clear crescendo of a grand finale. They leave you clearly entertained and you definitely know when the end has been reached. You are left with a 'Wow!' feeling.

The amateur ones are haphazard and not as enjoyable. Since they usually involve actual lighting of burning fuses there is typically a time lapse between volleys. This makes them kind of boring. And since they tend to have no plan, they often buy too much and don't conclude within a reasonable time. They take much longer to set off than the professional ones which use electronic timed ignition, so they tend to go on and on to the wee hours. And even then, after the revelers give up, they are not out of over-purchased supply, so they often continue for days. Oh well. It's their money. And obviously they have plenty of it to waste on foolishness.

Probably a good time to watch old war movies with lots of explosions. We'll be hearing them anyway. Maybe Tora Tora Tora...
Yeah. I forgot about the free fireworks displays. :)
When I had a bunch of kids around, it cost me a hundred bucks (which didn't go very far).

Hello Jack,

No big plans.

We'll be doing the patriotic thing, which to us during the pandemic means protecting our fellow Americans by staying out of crowds. All of the public fireworks displays have been cancelled so we'll just hang at the house and enjoy our time and our freedom to do as we please. And all is not lost. We live in a mixed politics area and the cult is well represented. There are cult members nearby with lots of money who often fire off their own fireworks. I suspect that since there won't be any public displays these home-grown displays will be increased this year. We will be able to step outside and enjoy plenty of live fireworks.

We won't be able to comfort our pets very much, who normally hide under furniture totally freaked out when humans do this, because they are usually quite terrified and not very receptive at those times. But at least we will be there and able to try.

The thing about the amateur fireworks displays is there is no rhyme or reason to them. The professional ones are so amazing these days, with themes, ebbs and flows, followed by the clear crescendo of a grand finale. They leave you clearly entertained and you definitely know when the end has been reached. You are left with a 'Wow!' feeling.

The amateur ones are haphazard and not as enjoyable. Since they usually involve actual lighting of burning fuses there is typically a time lapse between volleys. This makes them kind of boring. And since they tend to have no plan, they often buy too much and don't conclude within a reasonable time. They take much longer to set off than the professional ones which use electronic timed ignition, so they tend to go on and on to the wee hours. And even then, after the revelers give up, they are not out of over-purchased supply, so they often continue for days. Oh well. It's their money. And obviously they have plenty of it to waste on foolishness.

Probably a good time to watch old war movies with lots of explosions. We'll be hearing them anyway. Maybe Tora Tora Tora...
Hello Jack,

Yeah. I forgot about the free fireworks displays. :)
When I had a bunch of kids around, it cost me a hundred bucks (which didn't go very far).

I know, right? That must be a HUGE moneymaker for the sellers. Different clever combinations of powder and cardboard suddenly become worth hundreds of dollars. And I can just picture the pompous type wanting to shop for them while smoking a cigarette.

"Sir, please don't smoke in here."

"It's my Constitutional right to smoke wherever I damn well please!"

As if the right to endanger others was intended by the framers...

Sound like any particular side of the political spectrum? :rolleyes:
I have an Aunt in St. Louis that says she plans on going to the Golf Course, Swimming Pool, and Gym.
I talked to my Brother in SoCal, and he tells me his son (a Border Patrol Agent) and his wife (a California Highway Patrol cop) are taking a plane to go to Florida. :palm:

Me. I've ordered two books and a DVD (Bad Times at the El Royal) from Amazon and will be in seclusion for the weekend. :(

I'm hosting my son and a buddy who are visiting from Fort Bragg. Fireworks in the back yard, grilling, and the pool. I'm on the fence on dining out, but if the weather cooperates we'll try an outdoor venue. Very excited to watch Hamilton on Disney plus as well. Really looking forward to the weekend. Got word that the kid is heading for Afghanistan after the first of the year, so I'm going to take advantage of his proximity while I can.
Yeah. I forgot about the free fireworks displays. :)
When I had a bunch of kids around, it cost me a hundred bucks (which didn't go very far).

When I lived in Minnesota, certain fireworks (like ALL the fun ones) were illegal, but enforcement on the fourth was non-existent. Everyone just crossed the border to Wisconsin and purchased them there. What was funny about that was that it was illegal for Wisconsin residents to purchase fireworks in Wisconsin without a fireworks license, but anyone from out of state could. Used to spend a ton, and our neighborhood would have a huge display. My neighbor was a county sheriff. We never had any issues :)
If the world sucks you always have anime. They are doing dubs again now.

Funimation is one of biggest garbage companies on the face of the Earth. But even if they weren't, that's not a high fucking bar to celebrate. "Oh yeah freedom is dead and we're all gonna be broke in a few months but hey we have funny cartoons! Cheer up!". I hate this stupid forced optimism shit.
Funimation is one of biggest garbage companies on the face of the Earth. But even if they weren't, that's not a high fucking bar to celebrate. "Oh yeah freedom is dead and we're all gonna be broke in a few months but hey we have funny cartoons! Cheer up!". I hate this stupid forced optimism shit.

And here I thought you were a fan. I don't know what freedom your missing since people up here are doing many things like nothing is going on. Stores don't often enforce the mask stuff even when it's a rule. I live in the same state you do. I gave up on much of society like you are back when. After a while, you find different things to rely on for reasoning and enjoyment in life. You learn to not let peoples stupid shit dictate how you feel and live.
I'm hosting my son and a buddy who are visiting from Fort Bragg. Fireworks in the back yard, grilling, and the pool. I'm on the fence on dining out, but if the weather cooperates we'll try an outdoor venue. Very excited to watch Hamilton on Disney plus as well. Really looking forward to the weekend. Got word that the kid is heading for Afghanistan after the first of the year, so I'm going to take advantage of his proximity while I can.

Sounds like worth the risk. :thumbsup:
Most places around here canceled their 4th. of July celebrations. 5 or 6 of us are heading North to a small community that is having a parade of classic cars instead of their annual celebration, then heading back to a friend's birthday party. This China virus has put a damper on a lot of good local fireworks displays, car shows and celebrations. It is what it is...
I have an Aunt in St. Louis that says she plans on going to the Golf Course, Swimming Pool, and Gym.
I talked to my Brother in SoCal, and he tells me his son (a Border Patrol Agent) and his wife (a California Highway Patrol cop) are taking a plane to go to Florida. :palm:

Me. I've ordered two books and a DVD (Bad Times at the El Royal) from Amazon and will be in seclusion for the weekend. :(

Nope, no plans. I've never liked big crowds, especially NOW, of course. I'll be staying home, probably posting on here, maybe listening to some new CD's I've purchased recently. And MAYBE drinking some beer OTHER than Michelob Ultra, which is the only beer I'm supposed to drink as a diabetic. I MAY just say WTF and get some REAL beer.
Nope, no plans. I've never liked big crowds, especially NOW, of course. I'll be staying home, probably posting on here, maybe listening to some new CD's I've purchased recently. And MAYBE drinking some beer OTHER than Michelob Ultra, which is the only beer I'm supposed to drink as a diabetic. I MAY just say WTF and get some REAL beer.

Seriously....they still make CD's?
Seriously....they still make CD's?

You bet! And they sound WONDERFUL. It's my favorite way of listening to music. I never bought into all of the I-Tunes and downloading bullshit. Simply because you have nothing tangible, you own nothing that you can hold in your hands. I love having the CD booklets to refer to, with lyrics and info on who played on a certain song. With I-Tunes and downloading, you don't HAVE this. I now own roughly 2,500 to 3,000 CD's. It's a hobby I hope to continue for the rest of my life.