Anybody got cool Plans for the 4th ?

You bet! And they sound WONDERFUL. It's my favorite way of listening to music. I never bought into all of the I-Tunes and downloading bullshit. Simply because you have nothing tangible, you own nothing that you can hold in your hands. I love having the CD booklets to refer to, with lyrics and info on who played on a certain song. With I-Tunes and downloading, you don't HAVE this. I now own roughly 2,500 to 3,000 CD's. It's a hobby I hope to continue for the rest of my life.

Some people swear by vinyl but I always thought that Miles sounded better on CD...especially the remasters....when someone went in to clean it up a bit.

Sure this download stuff is crap....what is alarming is how few people care.
Some people swear by vinyl but I always thought that Miles sounded better on CD...especially the remasters....when someone went in to clean it up a bit.

Sure this download stuff is crap....what is alarming is how few people care.

I DO have about 700-1,000 albums on vinyl, I just prefer listening to CD's. It's easier, and in most cases the sound is better. Well, that's it for me tonight. I've completely run out of gas. I'll be "talking" to you again on here tomorrow evening, I'm quite sure. Ciao, for now.
And here I thought you were a fan. I don't know what freedom your missing since people up here are doing many things like nothing is going on. Stores don't often enforce the mask stuff even when it's a rule. I live in the same state you do. I gave up on much of society like you are back when. After a while, you find different things to rely on for reasoning and enjoyment in life. You learn to not let peoples stupid shit dictate how you feel and live.

I was nice. I installed a "Whale rail" on my pool so I don't have to help them beach themselves next weekend...

