Anybody read ‘Romney: A Reckoning’ ?

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You would. Seems you have an affinity for trust fund kids who have a subliminal disdain for anyone not of their economic caste or class. Why is a mystery to me.

Read the book.
That's all I can really say.
But it's likely beyond your reading comprehension level.

The book denies/negates/rejects what went down at that fund raiser? A simple question you can answer without giving away anything scintillating details. Because if it doesn't, I won't bother with more BS from a jive politician like Mittens.
Romney was another RINO shitbag just like McCain and Cheney.

Part of what was wrong with the US government for a long time.
I dont have a lot of use for reading about traitors.

We are neck deep in could that possibly be interesting?
Gave insight into Romney's actions. Made me respect him more. He's similar to a libertarian. Social liberal, fiscal conservative. That does not play well w/ either party/partisans.

Not really. He's very principled which is a yuge negative these days in politics. Like me, he's basically politically homeless.

Did it spend much time on his business career and the founding of Bain Capital?
Did it spend much time on his business career and the founding of Bain Capital?
A little too much IMO. The first third of the book was a bit of a slog.
The latter 2/3 went into all the frustrations he had to deal w/ as a *principled* politician. There were a lot, including the safety of his family. He spent $5,000 a day for their security. Many of his republican colleagues obviously couldn't afford that and had to compromise their principles because of that. That's just one example.
It's not that long of a book though.

There's not much room for those types anymore.
It's given me far more respect for how Lisa Murkowski has managed to survive.