Anybody want to have a go?

He didn't diss your wife. He diss you by pointing out that you are a boring and selfish lover who does not care if your wife has an orgasm as long as you get yours. Because if you did, you would at least go down on her.
Again, in spite of your intense curiosity, The Southern Man's sexual history, or that of his fine wife, is none of your business.
Again, in spite of your intense curiosity, The Southern Man's sexual history is none of your business. :D

YOu have discussed "pleasing your wife" in another thread. The fact that you did not go into detail is irrelevant. You broached the subject.
I think I would prefer the tomatoe fight festival
Yeah, I didn't know that one existed or I would have gone there. I spent alot of time while I was in Europe at festivals. Most of them involved Wine or Beer. I really appreciated the Army sending me to Europe for almost three years
Only the Southern Man will judge if a poster had dissed his family. I suggest that you not mention them whatsoever.
Only the Southern Man will judge if a poster had dissed his family. I suggest that you not mention them whatsoever.

Perhaps you should live by the words you throw at others?

"Your misinterpretation is solely your personal responsibility."

I dissed you. Get a grip on it.

But I also suggest that you make it a request to not mention your family again. The way you put it sounds far more like a threat, which makes mentioning them more probable.
Only the Southern Man will judge if a poster had dissed his family. I suggest that you not mention them whatsoever.

One more little point you should consider, only WinterBorn knows for absolutely sure what he meant in his remarks. Your judgement is irrelevant.

But it seems quite obvious that I dissed you, and now you just want an excuse to whine and pose.
Ran with the Bulls in 1990 while stationed in Germany. Had no plans to actually run with them but a really pretty Aussie name Lisset plied me with promises of passion later and a wee bit of Sangria. It was terrifying and fun all at the same time. If I had gotten hurt the army would have had my ass. As it was I had to get a pass for Barcelona because they army would have NEVER allowed my roommates and I to go to Pamplona.

Respect for that, did you get any action later and did you manage to save the ears as a trophy?
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My uncle was very upset that I didn't bring him back any ears. I told him we weren't allowed to (not that I had any) and he got very upset at the way America is today.