
I totally need to rent the first one - 28 days.

I heard it was awesome.

You should! I'd suggest renting that tonight and seeing the sequel tomorrow! My favorite part is how they capture how frightening solitude can be. Everyone that I've tricked into watching it was scared.

I went out on a date with someone when I saw it first, and I told him it was a romantic comedy......we watched the first scene, he looked over at me and I just started laughing.
You should! I'd suggest renting that tonight and seeing the sequel tomorrow! My favorite part is how they capture how frightening solitude can be. Everyone that I've tricked into watching it was scared.

I went out on a date with someone when I saw it first, and I told him it was a romantic comedy......we watched the first scene, he looked over at me and I just started laughing.

Nice! I'll have to remember that tactic! Maybe I can use that method to trick my republican sister-in-law into seeing Michael Moore's new film....
Moore is a piece of shit propaganda machine. Nothing more. You bitch and complain about Bush twisting the truth and then turn around and say Moore is your hero? Hypocritical much???
Moore is a piece of s#@& propaganda machine. Nothing more. You b!tch and complain about Bush twisting the truth and then turn around and say Moore is your hero? Hypocritical much???

:p I knew that would get someone in a tizzy.

Yes. Its true I adore MM.
"I knew that would get someone in a tizzy.

Yes. Its true I adore MM"

Hmmm... here I was thinking so highly of you. Rather disappointing. But I suppose it is ok to twist the truth as long as it is someone you like doing it.

"I knew that would get someone in a tizzy.

Yes. Its true I adore MM"

Hmmm... here I was thinking so highly of you. Rather disappointing. But I suppose it is ok to twist the truth as long as it is someone you like doing it.


Oh please MM was spot on about the war which is more than what I can say for the vast majority of elected republicans.

Just for the lovers of Michael Moore(Liberals)...Did you know that he is a practicing Catholic...loved the movie 'The Passion of Christ' is a buddy of Mel Gibson...a card carrying member of NRA...has competed in firearms competition...and he only produces movies acceptable to liberals because he lacks the ability to produce a 'A' movie...he has found a easy mark to separate lib's from their
Well, I saw the movie last night. Definitely not as good as the first - somethings in the story were just totally unbelievable. But overall a decent installment. Its usually very hard for sequels to live up to the original.
Just for the lovers of Michael Moore(Liberals)...Did you know that he is a practicing Catholic...loved the movie 'The Passion of Christ' is a buddy of Mel Gibson...a card carrying member of NRA...has competed in firearms competition...and he only produces movies acceptable to liberals because he lacks the ability to produce a 'A' movie...he has found a easy mark to separate lib's from their

well at least he did in in private industry and not in the govt :D
We DO have a choice about which movies to see and such. Btw MM has not gotten one thin dime from me. But Bush sure has...