

well at least he did in in private industry and not in the govt :D
We DO have a choice about which movies to see and such. Btw MM has not gotten one thin dime from me. But Bush sure has... donated to GW's re-election campaign?...How very interesting!...:pke:
I'm waiting for it to be on illegal download, can't do cinema, so no plot details yet please...

Think I'll buy the DVD when it comes out..

Do you know that 28 Months Later is on the cards!!!!
I'm waiting for it to be on illegal download, can't do cinema, so no plot details yet please...

Think I'll buy the DVD when it comes out..

Do you know that 28 Months Later is on the cards!!!!

Yeah. They've got some making up to do.
It seems like the sequels to a lot of these post-apocalypitc world films, totally suck.

Road Warrior
Escape from new york
28 days.

I think half the fun of these films, is the initial shock value of seeing how the world became post-apocalypitic in the first place, through character and plot development.

After that, its just descends into running around blowing the heads off zombies or aliens.

Note: Yes, I know "Mad Max" was technically the pre-quel to Road Warrior. But, in reality, Road Warrior was kind of a stand-alone film on its own.
Aliens, Terminator 2, and Resident Evil 2 were good follow-ups, but I think you're right cypress, for the most part the second installments rarely live up to the first.
Empire Strikes Back... best sequel ever.
Worst acted scene in movie history:

Darth Vader: Luke, I am your father!

Luke: No, it's not true, Obi Wan said that you killed him.

Darth Vader: Look inside yourself, you can feel that it is true...

Luke: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Worst acted scene in movie history:

Darth Vader: Luke, I am your father!

Luke: No, it's not true, Obi Wan said that you killed him.

Darth Vader: Look inside yourself, you can feel that it is true...

Luke: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Hey, what can you do with dialog that bad? It took skill just to say the lines.
Darla, if you like Brit horrors like 28 days/weeks, you should try Dog Soldiers and Severence... both fantastic films...