Anyone know a good hard apple cider recipe

Grind, what state are you in? I just tried Founders (a MI brewery) Cherri Stout. It tastes almost EXACTLY like Cherry 7up. It's amazing. And 6.5% ABV, it'll fuck you up.
holy're not crack me up....i wonder what crazy posts i would have made before 21 had the interdweebs been up....shit, i took off to a remote south pacific island when i turned 21....completely turned off society and modern life for a whole year.....i'm 34 and stuck on the grid, but truly crack me up, notwithstanding our casual're a good guy watermark
I had two grand in the bank when I graduated from High School. A classmate had an equal amount and we took a bus to old Mexico, starting at Matamoros, across from Brownstown and took bus and hitch hiked down the Carribean coast. Each town we stopped in we'd try and find the prettiest girl in a night club or restraunt (and sometimes that wasn't easy) and feed them the line that we were looking for a wife to take back to Los Estados Unitos. We'd stay there and party in a cheap hotel for a few days until they wised up and stormed off. Then before a pissed off father or brother could shoot us we'd leave for the next town. Our goal was to get to Cancun or the clap, which ever came first, but we never made it that far before we started getting low on cash and had to take a bus back home. Leaving lots of mad senorita's in our path. They got the last laugh though. I had a bad case of Montezuma's revenge on that 3 day bus ride back home.
I had two grand in the bank when I graduated from High School. A classmate had an equal amount and we took a bus to old Mexico, starting at Matamoros, across from Brownstown and took bus and hitch hiked down the Carribean coast. Each town we stopped in we'd try and find the prettiest girl in a night club or restraunt (and sometimes that wasn't easy) and feed them the line that we were looking for a wife to take back to Los Estados Unitos. We'd stay there and party in a cheap hotel for a few days until they wised up and stormed off. Then before a pissed off father or brother could shoot us we'd leave for the next town. Our goal was to get to Cancun or the clap, which ever came first, but we never made it that far before we started getting low on cash and had to take a bus back home. Leaving lots of mad senorita's in our path. They got the last laugh though. I had a bad case of Montezuma's revenge on that 3 day bus ride back home.

Sounds like "On The Road".
I had two grand in the bank when I graduated from High School. A classmate had an equal amount and we took a bus to old Mexico, starting at Matamoros, across from Brownstown and took bus and hitch hiked down the Carribean coast. Each town we stopped in we'd try and find the prettiest girl in a night club or restraunt (and sometimes that wasn't easy) and feed them the line that we were looking for a wife to take back to Los Estados Unitos. We'd stay there and party in a cheap hotel for a few days until they wised up and stormed off. Then before a pissed off father or brother could shoot us we'd leave for the next town. Our goal was to get to Cancun or the clap, which ever came first, but we never made it that far before we started getting low on cash and had to take a bus back home. Leaving lots of mad senorita's in our path. They got the last laugh though. I had a bad case of Montezuma's revenge on that 3 day bus ride back home.

you're jealous.....and full of caca
LOL I did crazier shit then that. Hell I hitch hiked across the country when I was 17. Had about $300 to my name. Boy did I catch hell when I got home. I had to break the hitch hiking habit the hard way.

You mean that your parents were bad parents and didn't teach you the proper way to express your independence??

Well, at least that seems to be what evince suggests.
You mean that your parents were bad parents and didn't teach you the proper way to express your independence??

Well, at least that seems to be what evince suggests.
Sure they did. When I walked in the door after I got back the old man dropped me with an over hand right. Then I fucked up. I got back up. He dropped me with an uppercut. He kicked me three times in the ass as I was crawling out the door before I could get up and run. That's a true story.

I got broke on hitch hiking when I got picked up by a John Wayne Gacey wannabe and took a roll out of car doing about 35 into a ditch. OUCH!
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your jealousy of me is embarrassing....
Why would I be jealous? I did the island thing to. How do you think I married an Island girl? We would both prefer to live back in the Islands.....but we also prefer having good jobs to being unemployed. Aint life a bitch?

At its simplest, hard apple cider is pressed and strained apples that are left to sit around until residual yeast on the apples' skin turns the sugar into alcohol. That's the traditional way to do it, how it was done for a long time. But today, most people prefer to use packaged yeast: this ensures that the cider will taste right, rather than being subject to a wild yeast, and it is the only way to succeed if the juice has been pastuerized, which is usually the case unless you press your own apples.

We used to make it in a 60 gallon plastic barrel every fall during apple harvest. We'd get raw juice from a local press. I'd back my '69 F100 to the loading dock and they'd drop a pallet onto it. Somehow we'd get it down the basement stairs without killing anyone. Then we'd sterilize it with some powdered chemical. The second day we'd siphon off a cup of juice and use that to start a mixture with "champagne yeast". When that got going we'd dump it in along with 15# of sugar. That would boil through the air lock for weeks in the cold basement while we collected old champagne bottles and non screw top beer bottles.

Finally we'd have a bottling party, and one guy would ad a bit of sugar in the empty bottles while the other guys filled them and capped them. It took hours for three of us to fill the bottles, and we'd get shit faced drinking the stuff.

The extra sugar caused the stuff to ferment a bit more in the bottle which made a nice fizz later on if it didn't explode first. I had many of those go off in my basement.

One year we ran out of bottles and had about 10 gallons left and I challenged my buddies to finish it off. I got sick as a dog and could hardly see the next day never mind hold anything down. I can't even smell the stuff now without feeling sick.
We used to make it in a 60 gallon plastic barrel every fall during apple harvest. We'd get raw juice from a local press. I'd back my '69 F100 to the loading dock and they'd drop a pallet onto it. Somehow we'd get it down the basement stairs without killing anyone. Then we'd sterilize it with some powdered chemical. The second day we'd siphon off a cup of juice and use that to start a mixture with "champagne yeast". When that got going we'd dump it in along with 15# of sugar. That would boil through the air lock for weeks in the cold basement while we collected old champagne bottles and non screw top beer bottles.

Finally we'd have a bottling party, and one guy would ad a bit of sugar in the empty bottles while the other guys filled them and capped them. It took hours for three of us to fill the bottles, and we'd get shit faced drinking the stuff.

The extra sugar caused the stuff to ferment a bit more in the bottle which made a nice fizz later on if it didn't explode first. I had many of those go off in my basement.

One year we ran out of bottles and had about 10 gallons left and I challenged my buddies to finish it off. I got sick as a dog and could hardly see the next day never mind hold anything down. I can't even smell the stuff now without feeling sick.
Excellent!.. The extra sugar is a good idea, but you need a good bottler in order to make it safe. The yeast eats the sugar and produces alcohol and CO2, and if your capper is weak you get cider all over your basement floors...


Same with beer BTW...
Excellent!.. The extra sugar is a good idea, but you need a good bottler in order to make it safe. The yeast eats the sugar and produces alcohol and CO2, and if your capper is weak you get cider all over your basement floors...


Same with beer BTW...

We had a nice cap press. I'm not sure what happened to it. I guess I gave it away when I moved or sold it at one of several garage sales. (I actually sold my set of full coverage insulated Carhart's that I used when I was clearing snow, and for a good price.)

I never had a cap launch; the bottles themselves would break.
We had a nice cap press. I'm not sure what happened to it. I guess I gave it away when I moved or sold it at one of several garage sales. (I actually sold my set of full coverage insulated Carhart's that I used when I was clearing snow, and for a good price.)

I never had a cap launch; the bottles themselves would break.
I usually had the caps pop, not launch, just pop or the bottle itself shatter. They'd always give you a heart attack and they weren't all that dangerous, unless you were allergic to floor beer or cut your hand on the glass while cleaning up.

When we starting getting new bottles when we got really into it, and were selling some, that problem seemed to disappear.
Those were the days, before kids and a huge fucking mortgage in the suburbs. We used to play poker for quarters in my barn during the winter, burning waste oil in an old furnace to keep us from freezing, a variety of beers in the snow bank outside and yellow holes drilled into the compost pile out back.

During the summer we'd light a big campfire, get plastered on gin and tonic then go catch frogs, cut them up and fry them.

One night the fire moved over to my neighbors burn barrel and we got rid of tons of old carpet, cheap foam plastic molding and got that barrel red nearly up to the rim. Then I threw a tire in there... :palm:
Yeah, I was wrong. All you need is yeast, airlock, fermenter, apple juice. If you want to make it using water, you buy the stuff I listed above, which is basically apple juice extract.