Proud MAGA Semi-Facist
Why not let me make the decision on what I want covered?
Why not let me make the decision on what I want covered?
Because you must buy maternity coverage and pediatric care insurance.
Do you think it's fair that group insurance (through the workplace) makes you do the same?
Last time I checked employees have the option not to participate. Do employers' group plans take away individual choice and assess penalties for noncompliance?
If you choose not to participate in the group plan, and go to an Obamacare plan, you're still paying for things you may never use. The group plan doesn't assess penalties but doesn't give much choice, either. Not for line items, I mean.
But you could opt out.
Obamacare doesn't give people in the individual market a choice, does it?
I see, so you are opposed to people being able to keep current pre-Obamacare plans?
It gives them a choice among plans, if that's what you mean. Or they could opt out and pay the fine.
Which is small enough at first to make that a very attractive alternative...but then the Obamacare pyramid scheme will require huge infusions of taxpayer dollars, won't it?
It's not a pyramid scheme.
Does it require large numbers of paying, healthy young subscribers to offset the subsidized and sick people?
All insurance requires the healthy to offset the sick. I haven't really looked for numbers on how many paying, healthy and young they're talking about, it seems like paying and healthy are the most important things for any insurance.
Does it require large numbers of paying, healthy young subscribers to offset the subsidized and sick people?
Isnt that how health insurance has always worked?
By using the government to force people to pay for coverage they don't want or need?
That wasnt what I responded to however if that is the general business model that has always worked for insurance companies....seems like the govt is on the right track to be using that model.
The insurance industry forced people to buy their products?