Anyone planning a big food garden in case this pandemic lasts?

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
We were originally going to get ready to move this summer but now things have drastically changed. Now I'm glad I bought all those seeds last year and got too sidetracked with health issues to use them. Also, I got 3 Aerogrows I'm about to get running for salad greens.
Is Jade in Wash as well??

I plan on skipping a garden this year, although I say that every year so we'll see if I can do it this year...

Having said that I picked a tomato this AM...... It is from the tomatoes I planted late last season... I dunno why it didn't die from frost or old age.. We had only a few nights of frost & not really a hard frost so???
Are the roots in the way?? Plants will suck a lot of water, trees usually deeper.... Shallow soil?? Clay??

Our problem with a lawn. Soil is only maybe an inch deep then clay with roots everywhere. I've tried everything to grow nice grass and it's impossible without constant work.
I wish we could plant a garden,but a giant pine tree sucks up all the water,nothing will grow very good.

Pot garden.....and not the "fun" kind. :) AKA Container garden.

Another method is a 40lb bag of manure laid flat in an area you won't move it and used as a planter. Cut an "X" in each half and plant a tomato plant in each half. Drive a stake through the bag and into the ground for support.
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Our problem with a lawn. Soil is only maybe an inch deep then clay with roots everywhere. I've tried everything to grow nice grass and it's impossible without constant work.
Have you added amended soil?? an inch isn't much, like growing grass on the sidewalk..

Here we have hard, dense clay & they just lay sod over the top w/out amending the soil.. It never gets roots into it, there is no air in the dense clay..

You would need to add @ least a few inches there & then occasionally fertilize it & hope the decaying roots will be enough to maintain enough organic material to sustain the beautiful Kentucky bluegrass..
We were originally going to get ready to move this summer but now things have drastically changed. Now I'm glad I bought all those seeds last year and got too sidetracked with health issues to use them. Also, I got 3 Aerogrows I'm about to get running for salad greens.

China is recovering from the Virus, it's just a matter of time.
I just want to be able to walk into a store and find toilet paper and cleaning supplies. Why can't people hoard arsenic and cyanide, instead?
I just want to be able to walk into a store and find toilet paper and cleaning supplies. Why can't people hoard arsenic and cyanide, instead?

From my experience, the best stock is when doors open early when they have senior and those with underlying condition days. Found a bottle of sanitizer and 8 pack double roll of Charmin. You could only buy 1 or two of high demand items. What pissed me off is the hoarding of the Kleenex brand wet wipes. They won't do shit against a virus but they suit some of my daily OCD uses fine. You can't find them much at all even online.
Is Jade in Wash as well??

I plan on skipping a garden this year, although I say that every year so we'll see if I can do it this year...

Having said that I picked a tomato this AM...... It is from the tomatoes I planted late last season... I dunno why it didn't die from frost or old age.. We had only a few nights of frost & not really a hard frost so???

Northern Michigan, a bit south of Thatowlwoman.
This won't be over until we have a vaccine. Some fear this may become seasonal and will be back next year if it settles.

It looks like people are going back to work in China. The measures taken in China must have worked. Yes, it could be 'seasonal'. Hopefully, most of us will have developed an immunity to it. (?)
We were originally going to get ready to move this summer but now things have drastically changed. Now I'm glad I bought all those seeds last year and got too sidetracked with health issues to use them. Also, I got 3 Aerogrows I'm about to get running for salad greens.

First I have to rebuild the greenhouse! But yes, this year's garden was already scheduled to be bigger, badder, and better than ever. I bought several of these last year:

Seeds were ordered in January. I'll be starting them indoors this month. We can't really put stuff out (other than inside the greenhouse) until after the first of June. So plenty of time for starts. We're growing the usual annual herbs, Roma tomatoes, jalapenos, peas, potatoes, onions, garlic, summer & winter squash, wax and scarlet runner beans, sunflowers, nasturiums, maybe some container sweet corn too.

What are you growing, Jade?