Anyone planning a big food garden in case this pandemic lasts?

Oh crap. They might not allow an electric fence either. Might electrocute a neighbor kid. lol

No the rules govern the height and material of fences; aesthetics. An electric fence is short and barely visible, so no problem.

Every kid should experience getting a buzz off an electric fence at least once. We've all heard and been amused by stories of a boy peeing on one, and the next generation should have the same opportunity to laugh at that.
It looks like people are going back to work in China. The measures taken in China must have worked. Yes, it could be 'seasonal'. Hopefully, most of us will have developed an immunity to it. (?)

Today the said there has been some reinfections in China
Today the said there has been some reinfections in China

Dude, I'm walking around with a sore throat and some chest pains. While at the Store, I coughed a little, and 2 old people wearing masks immediately turned around and started walking the other way. Some people had an armload of Groceries and didn't even want to touch the Shopping Baskets. Then, when I left, there's some guy with a Sprayer hosing down the Shopping Carts!
How do you quarantine yourself when you have to get groceries every now and then???
Dude, I'm walking around with a sore throat and some chest pains. While at the Store, I coughed a little, and 2 old people wearing masks immediately turned around and started walking the other way. Some people had an armload of Groceries and didn't even want to touch the Shopping Baskets. Then, when I left, there's some guy with a Sprayer hosing down the Shopping Carts!
How do you quarantine yourself when you have to get groceries every now and then???

I'm one of those,when I shop I wear a mask,
gloves ,wipe down the cart handle with sanitizer,I avoid every other person,especially anyone coughing.
When I leave off come the gloves,hand sanitizer again.When I get home ,wash hands,saline solution up the nose,gargle with salt water!
One thing people are overlooking is hydrogen peroxide. Great disinfecting capabilities.

The word got out about it about 2 weeks ago here...

I had bought a large one a week or so before this all started.... & the huge hand sanitizer bottle.......

IMHO it is actually better than some of the stuff ppl are using...
I'm one of those,when I shop I wear a mask,
gloves ,wipe down the cart handle with sanitizer,I avoid every other person,especially anyone coughing.
When I leave off come the gloves,hand sanitizer again.When I get home ,wash hands,saline solution up the nose,gargle with salt water!

I'm never sick. I figure we're all going to catch it eventually. I wash my hands frequently, I do that anyway, now more than ever.
I'm seeing more people with masks now. ... and gloves.
I'm never sick. I figure we're all going to catch it eventually. I wash my hands frequently, I do that anyway, now more than ever.
I'm seeing more people with masks now. ... and gloves.

I don't plan on getting this if at all possible to avoid it
To much work for an old man!

Hire someone.. You buy the materials, they supply the back.. (lots out of work, a lil side cash)

Most places you can get a few yards of dirt delivered pretty cheap, a few boards or get fancy w/ some decorative cinder blocks..