Anyone planning a big food garden in case this pandemic lasts?

Growing environment and temps similar?

It's a longer season but they don't have the beautiful sandy soil and fresh lake water. Most places are a lot smaller growing areas. Here we have 1 3/4 acres but those places average less than a quarter acre. I've been searching for larger lots.
I’m planning on my normal. COVID19 making it harder to get some of the seeds I need ... particularly green beans. Staying hunkered down on my place for at least 2 more weeks then I’ll venture forth to try to get some.
It's a longer season but they don't have the beautiful sandy soil and fresh lake water. Most places are a lot smaller growing areas. Here we have 1 3/4 acres but those places average less than a quarter acre. I've been searching for larger lots.

Cool, hope you find something nice & sunny..
I’m planning on my normal. COVID19 making it harder to get some of the seeds I need ... particularly green beans. Staying hunkered down on my place for at least 2 more weeks then I’ll venture forth to try to get some.

Have you grown Brussels Sprouts?? Jade was asking about them..
That's terrible for food surfaces and around pets. Best thing for food surfaces is to take a washrag, wet it just enough and microwave it a few minutes till steaming hot. Use some tongs and the heat will kill most pathogens.

There are many references, including CDC, that recommends dilute bleach as a surface and food equipment disinfectant. I’ll use a more dilute solution than 10%, however.
I learned how to garden from my grandfather. In the fall he'd drive around towns where folks would bag their leaves, fill up the trunk of his Olds Cutlass, leave the lid up and overstuff it, more bags between the lid and the back window, fill the back seat, all while pulling a trailer, then drive up to his cabin, drop them all off. He'd get me to spread them in a thick layer then churn them all in with an Ariens front time rototiller. Between that and splitting firewood I had forearms like Popeye.

He had a 55 gallon drum that he had me cut the bottom out using a cold chisel. Then he set it out at the highest point in the garden, and put the top on it. He'd toss in food scraps, fish heads, some leaves, wood chips, clam shells,and an occasional "spoonful" from the "honey dipper". All summer long the sun would heat up that steel barrel and cook what was inside as he added to it. Once the weather turned cold he would tip it over and use a hose to distribute it over the garden, then get me to till it all in.

His tomatoes were as big as softballs. Grew all kinds of winter and summer squash. On occasion a zucchini would get lost in the resulting jungle and we'd find it as big as a baseball bat.
There are many references, including CDC, that recommends dilute bleach as a surface and food equipment disinfectant. I’ll use a more dilute solution than 10%, however.
I like hydrogen peroxide for some things instead of bleach.
I learned how to garden from my grandfather. In the fall he'd drive around towns where folks would bag their leaves, fill up the trunk of his Olds Cutlass, leave the lid up and overstuff it, more bags between the lid and the back window, fill the back seat, all while pulling a trailer, then drive up to his cabin, drop them all off. He'd get me to spread them in a thick layer then churn them all in with an Ariens front time rototiller. Between that and splitting firewood I had forearms like Popeye.

He had a 55 gallon drum that he had me cut the bottom out using a cold chisel. Then he set it out at the highest point in the garden, and put the top on it. He'd toss in food scraps, fish heads, some leaves, wood chips, clam shells,and an occasional "spoonful" from the "honey dipper". All summer long the sun would heat up that steel barrel and cook what was inside as he added to it. Once the weather turned cold he would tip it over and use a hose to distribute it over the garden, then get me to till it all in.

His tomatoes were as big as softballs. Grew all kinds of winter and summer squash. On occasion a zucchini would get lost in the resulting jungle and we'd find it as big as a baseball bat.
Awesome memory & gardening tips....... Bet that soil was black gold..
I’m skeptical, the Chinese rarely tell the truth in matters like this.

Sadly I trust them no more, nor less than our own leader when it come to telling the truth-they both put what is in their interest above all others...PERIOD!!!
I have tried a couple of times with no success.

:thinking: Well, now I don't feel so bad/embarrassed about my lack of

I am allowing my garden to go fallow, weeds are about 5' high..

Mostly Mallow, mouse barely (Hordeum murinum) & various native grasses.. I am hoping it will protect the soil in the baking summer & by fall be good enough for some fall veggies
Sadly I trust them no more, nor less than our own leader when it come to telling the truth-they both put what is in their interest above all others...PERIOD!!!

LOL. Funny, but I actually trust Trump more than the Chinese....not much more, but more. :)

The fact remains the American system of government is much more open and resilient than the People's Republic of China. Trump or no Trump, our society is much more open and honest about such things. That's a two-edged sword. During the Cold War Space Race, American failures were broadcast live on television. Soviet successes were shown the next day and failures were unknown until after the USSR fell.
Sadly I trust them no more, nor less than our own leader when it come to telling the truth-they both put what is in their interest above all others...PERIOD!!!
Indeed, the later being more concerning. I hated George W Bush’s policies, but I never felt the man didn’t genuinely have the country’s interest in his easily manipulated mind. I don’t have that level of trust with Golden Toilet Boy. I believe he puts himself first.