Anyone planning a big food garden in case this pandemic lasts?

No the rules govern the height and material of fences; aesthetics. An electric fence is short and barely visible, so no problem.

Every kid should experience getting a buzz off an electric fence at least once. We've all heard and been amused by stories of a boy peeing on one, and the next generation should have the same opportunity to laugh at that.

Bring that up at the next HOA meeting. lol
My Grandfather used to grow tomatoes. Fresh and ripe.

Some people really like gardening; growing green beans, corn, etc but not me. I did, however, like growing cherry tomatoes of various types along with hot peppers. Corns and beans are cheap in the store, so are jalapenos but Anaheims, Habaneros, Bananas and others were fun for variety.
Nothing like picking the day's crop of cherry tomatoes and peppers for a dinner salad. :)
What about those wooden ones?

I don't like those either. The only type of fence that I would put up myself is a short section of balanced split rail. I've been thinking of doing that just to add a little definition to a short section of my property line, not as an enclosure. Although I could integrate a two-wire electrical fence with it to make an enclosure around a vegetable garden.

Some people really like gardening; growing green beans, corn, etc but not me. I did, however, like growing cherry tomatoes of various types along with hot peppers. Corns and beans are cheap in the store, so are jalapenos but Anaheims, Habaneros, Bananas and others were fun for variety.
Nothing like picking the day's crop of cherry tomatoes and peppers for a dinner salad. :)
Yep.... Growing what you want/like is important.... I have grown things & I just give them away..

One of my daughters had a great garden last year, tomatoes, zucchini, & even watermelon..... She did great..... When they were kids we always had a garden.. I would have them go out & pick the cherry tomatoes.. There would be several dozen ready to pick but they would come in w/ half a dozen or so, having eaten the Snow peas as well..
Yep.... Growing what you want/like is important.... I have grown things & I just give them away..

One of my daughters had a great garden last year, tomatoes, zucchini, & even watermelon..... She did great..... When they were kids we always had a garden.. I would have them go out & pick the cherry tomatoes.. There would be several dozen ready to pick but they would come in w/ half a dozen or so, having eaten the Snow peas as well..

Along with my huge vegetable garden n NY I also had a line of strawberry plants bred specifically for that region. Damn they were good; large, juicy and sweet. We used to send my son out to harvest some, he was four at the time, and he would always come back with three or four and his face covered with juice. "What did you do with the rest of them?" I'd say, and he'd just shrug his shoulders.
Along with my huge vegetable garden n NY I also had a line of strawberry plants bred specifically for that region. Damn they were good; large, juicy and sweet. We used to send my son out to harvest some, he was four at the time, and he would always come back with three or four and his face covered with juice. "What did you do with the rest of them?" I'd say, and he'd just shrug his shoulders.

:) :cool::loveu:
Along with my huge vegetable garden n NY I also had a line of strawberry plants bred specifically for that region. Damn they were good; large, juicy and sweet. We used to send my son out to harvest some, he was four at the time, and he would always come back with three or four and his face covered with juice. "What did you do with the rest of them?" I'd say, and he'd just shrug his shoulders.

Sounds about right. I'd go out for wild raspberries and come back empty handed despite finding several plants.
I don't like those either. The only type of fence that I would put up myself is a short section of balanced split rail. I've been thinking of doing that just to add a little definition to a short section of my property line, not as an enclosure. Although I could integrate a two-wire electrical fence with it to make an enclosure around a vegetable garden.


I like those too. There is a house in the next town that has a fence built like that -- but all of birch.
Yep.... Growing what you want/like is important.... I have grown things & I just give them away..

One of my daughters had a great garden last year, tomatoes, zucchini, & even watermelon..... She did great..... When they were kids we always had a garden.. I would have them go out & pick the cherry tomatoes.. There would be several dozen ready to pick but they would come in w/ half a dozen or so, having eaten the Snow peas as well..

That's the best food there is!
I'm one of those,when I shop I wear a mask,
gloves ,wipe down the cart handle with sanitizer,I avoid every other person,especially anyone coughing.
When I leave off come the gloves,hand sanitizer again.When I get home ,wash hands,saline solution up the nose,gargle with salt water!

You should go to the senior/underlying condition days at the box stores. They completely sanitize the carts and have new stock placed.
Cool. I'll go to the local hardware, get a pack and start them inside. I'll keep you posted. :)

Great, best of luck.... They like nitrogen & do well w/ a few shots during the growing season..

Once you cut off the heads there are lots of smaller side shoots that can be harvested or leave a few for seeds the following year but might not be as good..
Great, best of luck.... They like nitrogen & do well w/ a few shots during the growing season..

Once you cut off the heads there are lots of smaller side shoots that can be harvested or leave a few for seeds the following year but might not be as good..

Thanks for the tips. I'm ready to get started! Any info on Brussels sprouts, too?
Yep... The seeds are tiny but once it gets going it is pretty hardy & leaves are tough..

The problem is the time period on it is getting bad places. I'd see one almost big enough to pluck and I go back in a couple of days and it's the dreaded bolt effect.