Anyone who does not support our president is unpatriotic.

I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.
~Hillary Rodham Clinton
And for the same reason, many feel the same towards your opinions.

My opinions for the last several years have been spot on.

And most still are.

A couple of people on here have me on ignore because I showed up the the self proclaimed finiancial experts on the economic issues.

I have been correct on my opinions on here in excess of 90%
I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.
~Hillary Rodham Clinton

Debate, etc yes. Hope they will fail now is another matter.

I started this thread to get those who said the same thing about non bushies a few years ago. Before we were proven to be correct. Ie WND, no mushroom clouds, no Iraq support of 911, and that it would be a long war not 6 months like was promoted by the administartion and their lackeys.

Yes Sadam was a bad guy , but there are lots of those around.
if a president's policies will harm america, then damn right i want them to are so brainwashed that you can't admit that it is patriotic, being a lemming is not patriotic
if a president's policies will harm america, then damn right i want them to are so brainwashed that you can't admit that it is patriotic, being a lemming is not patriotic

OH! this is just fracking fantastic!
Virtually verbatim what I said when Bush was president and got called traitor, etc...

The hypocracy of the right is just amazing to behold.
Yeah, like you are a Democratic hack pretending to be an "independent" who was "registered republican"...

What you talking about? I never supported Lieberman.

Damo do you deny that Bush caused an upsurge in the number of people saying they are now Libertarian?
OH! this is just fracking fantastic!
Virtually verbatim what I said when Bush was president and got called traitor, etc...

The hypocracy of the right is just amazing to behold.

you effing tool...i don't represent the right and i never called you unpatriotic....moron
OH! this is just fracking fantastic!
Virtually verbatim what I said when Bush was president and got called traitor, etc...

The hypocracy of the right is just amazing to behold.

thanks for the neg rep and you lying sack of shit i never called you unpatriotic, my stance has been consistent from day one
thanks for the neg rep and you lying sack of shit i never called you unpatriotic, my stance has been consistent from day one

No you did not call me unpatriotic becuse we have never met and you were not on this board during that rightie phase of Bush worship.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
A properly skewered rightie sure enough :)

show where i called anyone unpatriotic for voicing dissent over the iraq war or admit you lied

your idiocy is humorous. you somehow believe i represent the right and so when i defend the right to dissent, i'm a hypocrite and the entire right is a hypocrite....loool, you're a tool
show where i called anyone unpatriotic for voicing dissent over the iraq war or admit you lied

your idiocy is humorous. you somehow believe i represent the right and so when i defend the right to dissent, i'm a hypocrite and the entire right is a hypocrite....loool, you're a tool

If the rightie shoe fits. You need to change your shoes.
No you did not call me unpatriotic becuse we have never met and you were not on this board during that rightie phase of Bush worship.

so you admit you made it up asshole

same user name...i have never called anyone unpatriotic for voicing dissent. i disagreed with those that did. either prove it or admit you are lying hack...

in fact on this board i have cited bush's comments on the dixie chicks, freedom is a two way street, they can voice dissent and people can burn their records
so you admit you made it up asshole

same user name...i have never called anyone unpatriotic for voicing dissent. i disagreed with those that did. either prove it or admit you are lying hack...

in fact on this board i have cited bush's comments on the dixie chicks, freedom is a two way street, they can voice dissent and people can burn their records

so you admit you made it up asshole

same user name...i have never called anyone unpatriotic for voicing dissent. i disagreed with those that did. either prove it or admit you are lying hack...

in fact on this board i have cited bush's comments on the dixie chicks, freedom is a two way street, they can voice dissent and people can burn their records

Were you on there posting in 2001 before the Iraq invasion?

It is not all about you assholio. It is about those on the right who supported Bush and how they behaved to any critism about their Bushgod.

I voice disagreement with Obama. I think he is too much in the pocket of big business.
Were you on there posting in 2001 before the Iraq invasion?

It is not all about you assholio. It is about those on the right who supported Bush and how they behaved to any critism about their Bushgod.

I voice disagreement with Obama. I think he is too much in the pocket of big business.

its not about me....but you neg rep me calling me a hypocrite...

you really are a lying hack
I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.
~Hillary Rodham Clinton
Spot on, friend.