I still think decorum and proper language count for something.Agree with regard to anonymity, lying, and gossip...but I disagree with that "curse" (I'm sure you mean vulgarity) stuff.
The entire notion of words that should not be used...is an absurdity to me. If one can say "cuff" in a social setting...one should be able to make that same sound backwards in a social setting. And if "intercourse" can be used reasonably, why cannot "fuck" be used just as reasonably?
If vagina can be used, cunt should work just as well; cock as well as penis; tits as well as breasts/mammaries; blowjob/cocksucking as well as fellatio...and so on?
If "gosh" or "darn" or "rats" work...why not "motherfucker?"
The entire notion of "adult" language is insane.
I don't think we should have a society where no one raises an eyebrow if a ten year old kid is saying cunt or cock sucker.
And the more that adults are openly foul mouthed in public, the more kids are going to see that as the model to follow.