I wouldn't hold my breath. Remember the Awan brothers scandal? No, of course you don't.
That one had 35 Democrats in Congress using Pakistani nationals as their computer tech support, the Awan brothers / family. At the heart of that scandal was Debbie Wassermann-Schultz who is still in Congress today. The Awan's had access to virtually all congressional computer systems including ones with classified information on them. As foreign nationals, they couldn't get security clearances.
Worse, their house--sold to an officer in the military--had a garage full of government computers and hard drives illegally taken from the Capitol Building, etc. The FBI collected all that and it went straight into a memory hole. Wassermann-Schultz demanded the FBI give her back several computers that were hers because she was a congress critter.
One Awan brother's wife fled the country to Pakistan days after this broke fleeing with an estimated $15,000 in cash on her. The brothers were involved in all sorts of other fraud and scams outside of Congress too, and that was all they ended up being charged with. One brother was caught trying to flee the US after wiring $165,000 to a bank in Oman. The breech of national security and potential of them being foreign spies of a sort was never investigated.
So, from about 2007 to 2017--ten years for you math challenged Leftists--up to 35 Democrats in Congress were letting foreign nationals have access to their computers unchecked.
Last week, Democratic IT staffer Imran Awan was arrested for alleged bank fraud. In and of itself, that news would rate as a relatively minor political scandal. But Awan worked for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who inspires some of the weirdest conspiracy theories on Capitol Hill.
Former Democrat IT staffer Imran Awan allegedly leaked secret data from House offices to a secret server and Dropbox.com (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that a federal court ordered a hearing for Friday, December 13, 2019, on the Congressional Democrat IT (information...
The family of four Pakistani-Americans had unusual access to Congressional computers, for years, in the innermost sanctums of the US Capitol and in the offices of dozens of national lawmakers. Then…
Of those 35, most are still in Congress and not one of them has been so much as reprimanded. So, AOC producing a video to aid illegals in evading ICE pales in comparison to past sins by Democrats in Congress.
Oh, another one you might look up--this one is more bipartisan but still mostly Democrats--is the House banking scandal where they set up their own "bank" and then proceeded to commit bank fraud and rob it regularly...