AOC facing expulsion from Congress, and revocation of national security clearance.

Daily Caller/ Salem Media Defamation Case (Awan v. Daily Caller, Inc.)​

Defamation and Work-Related Torts
In 2020, Imran Awan and four other former House of Representatives IT staffers (Awans) filed a defamation action against the Daily Caller, former Daily Caller reporter Luke Rosiak, and Salem Media Group (Defendants), alleging that the Defendants defamed the Awans by publishing a book called Obstruction of Justice that falsely accuses the Awans of various crimes.

In 2018, the Department of Justice stated that after a thorough investigation of the Awans’ work in the House of Representatives, the government had “uncovered no evidence” that they had “violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems.” Despite this, Obstruction of Justice, published in 2019, falsely accused Imran Awan of hacking congressional servers, as well as other serious crimes.

In 2021, the Awans defeated motions to dismiss filed by the Defendants and anti-SLAPP motions to dismiss filed by Luke Rosiak and Salem Media Group.

In February 2023, the Awans reached a confidential settlement with the Daily Caller and Luke Rosiak. Because they did not settle with Salem Media Group, the Awans will continue to litigate their defamation, unjust enrichment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress claims against Salem Media Group.

The Awans are represented by PRF Law, Gupta Wessler, PLLC, Tycko & Zavareei LLP, and Farrar & Bell LLP.

The case is known as Awan et al. v. The Daily Caller, Inc. et al., No. 2020 CA 000652 B (D.C. Super.), and is pending in the District of Columbia Superior Court.

In an earlier case that the Awans brought against the House of Representatives for their wrongful termination by dozens of congressional offices, Peter Romer-Friedman negotiated a $850,000 settlement for the Awans, which the New York Times said “represent[ed] one of the largest known awards by the House to resolve discrimination or harassment claims”.

So what? :dunno:
Informing people of their legal rights is now illegal in the US? (hint - it isn't.)

It's a good thing stupidity isn't illegal, Kurmugeon, or you would get the death penalty.
Informing people of their legal rights is now illegal in the US? (hint - it isn't.)

It's a good thing stupidity isn't illegal, Kurmugeon, or you would get the death penalty.
It's amazing how proud you are of being so stupid
Planning a bank robbery isn't "informing people of their rights." Nor is seditious conspiracy to thwart immigration law.
Informing someone of their constitutional rights is not the same thing as planning a bank robbery. One is rights enshrined in the Constitution and in law. The other is planning a crime.

There is no way to commit seditious conspiracy when violating immigration law. It would be like arguing that you are committing murder by planning a bank robbery.
That figures. We don't want others to know that ppl are pissed, do we? Our (R) congresscritter back in Missouri has never had a single town hall meeting. I have yet to see one for our (R) congresscritter here in MI either. Emails to them are ignored. They don't reply to comments on their social media posts, either.

Rather than destroying government agencies and the careers of civil servants, why aren't we revamping the whole election system and term limiting these asshats? How are they managing to get wealthy while serving, and why aren't we doing something about that instead of focusing on the people who do the actual work of the people??
Here's the sad truth ... in many respects the current Democratic Party is just a flip side of the political coin. Remember how both parties shut down the McCain/Feingold bill? Or how they conspired to shut Ralph Nader out of the final presidential candidate debates in 2000? The "old guard" loves that power and the donor class must not be upset.
Informing someone of their constitutional rights is not the same thing as planning a bank robbery. One is rights enshrined in the Constitution and in law. The other is planning a crime.

There is no way to commit seditious conspiracy when violating immigration law. It would be like arguing that you are committing murder by planning a bank robbery.
The Constitution does not give any illegal alien the right to stay in the United States, Poorboy. They are subject to deportation.
Here's the sad truth ... in many respects the current Democratic Party is just a flip side of the political coin. Remember how both parties shut down the McCain/Feingold bill? Or how they conspired to shut Ralph Nader out of the final presidential candidate debates in 2000? The "old guard" loves that power and the donor class must not be upset.
Irrelevance fallacy.
It's 2025, Libby.
I don't know the veracity of the following video,
There really isn't any veracity. You'll notice that Pam Bondi hasn't issued any statements, and she won't until she feels sufficiently emboldened to challenge Alé Cortez' 1st Amendment rights ... which I don't think will ever happen.

but the issues it raises are important to the current political scene.
Perhaps, but the 1st Amendment reigns supreme and that will be the final word on the matter.

If the claims in this video are true and correct, ...
... well, they are exaggerated.

then AOC is facing prison time for her actions.
Alé Cortez is currently seeking clarity as to whether she is being investigated. If she is, then she has a substantive impeachable offense against Trump and will be celebrating through to Senate deliberations. It is illegal to investigate anyone for exercising his 1st Amendment rights; the investigation itself is a coercive/retaliatory attack against the 1st Amendment.

No prosecution of anyone's exercising of his 1st Amendment rights will survive through the Supreme Court, but the prosecution itself will set Trump up for impeachment.
Illegal aliens have no rights to stay in the United States. They are subject to deportation, Poorboy.
So Tbird19482 posts another
as a response to the statement that illegal aliens have no right to remain in the US.
Can you point to the law that makes it illegal to inform anyone of their constitutional rights?

You do seem to be the one that is proud of your stupidity.
Can you point to the law that makes it illegal to inform anyone of their constitutional rights?

You do seem to be the one that is proud of your stupidity.
Informing people of their constitutional rights doesn't include helping them avoid prosecution you retarded donkey humper.