
I am going to get into it. My uncle will come visiting in a bout a month and i will get the stuff and get going and he can train me some. He used to keep bees.
I helped him a bit, but not too much.

Might be the only way I can grow some foods in my garden, how freaky is that Grind ?
I have not seen any honeybees around the house for a couple of years.
I was going around and explaining what it was about to my neighbors so they may watch for certain things (like swarms that I didn't catch beforehand) and I found that many people are afraid of bees. To the point of ridiculosity...

I may be unable to set up my mini-apiary at this time because the neighbors might kill all my bees...

Whoa, beekeeping?!! Right on, you should totally do it.

I never understood the hysteria about bees. In college, I lived on this farm, and they would put out the bee hives periodically. I guess for pollination, or something. I used to go jogging right by the hive boxes, literally right through the swarms. Sometimes, with no shirt on. And I never got stung. They're actually pretty mellow, unless you scare them or something, I guess.
Whoa, beekeeping?!! Right on, you should totally do it.

I never understood the hysteria about bees. In college, I lived on this farm, and they would put out the bee hives periodically. I guess for pollination, or something. I used to go jogging right by the hive boxes, literally right through the swarms. Sometimes, with no shirt on. And I never got stung. They're actually pretty mellow, unless you scare them or something, I guess.
Yeah, some very experienced people work the hives without protection. Personally, I think they are stupid because mistakes can happen, but hey. What would the world be like without people who just get too used to something.
I used to help with them, just wore gloves. On theing if one stings you get out, it gives off a "war" scent for the others.