Let me explain the difference to you:
If you demand I prove there is NO GOD then you are asking me to see the entire universe at all points in time simultaneously in order to ensure God is not simply hiding.
The reason the null is phrased as it is is to ensure that one is testing the POSITIVE claim that there is a god. One tests AGAINST the null. (Like I said it is abundantly clear you are not following any of this conversation or I wouldn't have to keep explaining it to you ).
Asking me to prove the LACK of existence of something is MUCH, MUCH harder especially when it could be anywhere in the universe at any time. How could I possibly prove the LACK of existence.
IF, however the null is phrased as "No God" then the tests are to examine if there is evidence FOR GOD'S EXISTENCE. Which should be quite easy to do if God is real and has any impact on the real world. Does he do miracles? Does he consistently answer prayers? Does everyone have an objective experience of god in the same way? etc.
No. No it is not. It is a negative claim. You can see it by the inclusion of the word "no" in your statement.
Seriously, you should know this stuff better. This is absurd.
Wow. Just wow.
I never said I "cannot" prove a negative (please DO try to be honest about my points), but rather it is harder and usually not something people are responsible for.
If you think God exists it is up to you to provide evidence for the claim.
I have no guesses about the likelihood of whether any gods exist or not. YOU, on the other hand, do. Both of us acknowledge that we do not know if any exist or not...I acknowledge that I cannot make a meaningful guess about the likelihood in either direction...you, of the other hand, seem to think that you CAN make a meaningful blind guess on the issue...and you seem, ethically, unable to acknowledge that you cannot.
You have repeatedly claimed that you handle situations like this in a scientific way. (I suspect you more closely mean
in a formal logical way, but I allow for silly mistakes in discussions like this.)
I have given you a positive assertion to work with...THERE ARE NO GODS. It is a positive statement that necessarily has a negative word in its construction, so you erroneously want to insist it is a negative statement. It is not. It is a positive assertion about whether at least one god exists OR NOT.
For the record, it is not saying, "Show me proof that there is at least one god"...it is a formal, positive statement with all the intensity of the assertion, "There is a GOD." The fact that you are unable to see that (or unwilling to concede that) is besides the point. If you could handle (in a scientific way) the assertion, "there is a god"...you should be able to handle the assertion, "there are no gods" in that same way.
I am not asking for proof that there is no god...any more than I would be asking for proof that there is at least one god. There is no way one could "prove" there are no gods...any more than I would be able to prove there are no INVISIBLE mini elephants in my sock drawer.
I am asking for you to deal with the assertion, "There are no gods" with the same dispatch that you afforded your dealing with "There is a god." The reason you are not doing it has nothing to do with logic or any of that other bullshit you are trying to sell. The reason you are not doing it...has to do with the implications of the process...and what you laughingly said the process led you to do.
Stop trying to bullshit me, you are not nearly smart enough to get away with it. By now you should realize that.
By the way, I want to acknowledge a mistake I made earlier. When I read your first few posts here and in other threads, I convinced myself that you would be an excellent debate partner.
Big mistake on my part...serious fuck up. I acknowledge that. You are simply a bullshitter without the ethical wherewithal to make the concessions needed for a reasonable debate.
I will deal with the rest of your diatribe at some point in the future. First I want to deal with your response to what I have presented here.
Take your time. I realize I am dealing with someone not especially serious in you.