Good. I'm glad you got on the train finally.

I admit I don't know jack about the case, and I like Jamie Diamond. But the WAMU fanboy's here are convincing enough to make me buy that lottery ticket, heck it won't be the only bad long shot I make this year. It is the first pink sheet stock I've ever bought.
I admit I don't know jack about the case, and I like Jamie Diamond. But the WAMU fanboy's here are convincing enough to make me buy that lottery ticket, heck it won't be the only bad long shot I make this year. It is the first pink sheet stock I've ever bought.

Jamie Diamond is a fucking crook. Period. JPM is one of the dirtiest banks in the world... right behind Goldman. They continue fucking over the populace, provide some money to the politicians campaigns, then listen as the politicians call them 'saavy' business people while the media jerks them off under the table.
Jamie Diamond is a fucking crook. Period. JPM is one of the dirtiest banks in the world... right behind Goldman. They continue fucking over the populace, provide some money to the politicians campaigns, then listen as the politicians call them 'saavy' business people while the media jerks them off under the table.

that kinda name calling comes with "Banker of the Year" winners
topspin, I noticed you used the term 'lottery ticket', probably refering to the recent article put out by CNBC quoting CRT Capital's Kevin Starke. Check out who is in charge of CRT, and notice they happen to have worked for JPMorgan. So, beware of who you get your information from in the media. There are people covering the case in detail that go to every omnibus and hearing (Kirsten Grind and Peg Brinkley). Kevin Starke doesn't know shit...

This is a little better than a lottery ticket ;)
topspin, I noticed you used the term 'lottery ticket', probably refering to the recent article put out by CNBC quoting CRT Capital's Kevin Starke. Check out who is in charge of CRT, and notice they happen to have worked for JPMorgan. So, beware of who you get your information from in the media. There are people covering the case in detail that go to every omnibus and hearing (Kirsten Grind and Peg Brinkley). Kevin Starke doesn't know shit...

This is a little better than a lottery ticket ;)

I see this thing getting more hype than it deserves, that and the respect I have for you and freaks has me in for a couple thousands shares. Peace