APP - Hypothetical Scenario for Thinkers



Although there is a family resemblance. *shrug*
Frankly, I'm glad that you think that you're so intelligent and evolved from apes. *shrug*

Do you believe in Adam and Eve? Is the bible an accurate historical account of the creation of the world? I anticipate tap dancing. Surprise me.
Is the bible an accurate historical account of the creation of the world?

which account?....there are three in Genesis and a fourth (my personal favorite) in the book of Job....

the first, complete in Genesis 1:1 is in a variation of Hebrew imperative....the sense would be "Remember this! In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth!".....

the second begins at Genesis 1:2 and continues to Genesis is in the form of Hebrew poetry, the type of narrative that would have been told around the campfires by the eldest of the tribal unit on special occasions....this is signaled by the beginning word translated into English as "Now" is frequently used in the OT.....

personally, I think this version is amazing in it's revelation of some pretty basic understandings of science, given the fact that it comes from a nomad tribe of sheepherders....consider the sequence of creation.....first, time....second, the laws governing nature....third, matter....fourth, the planets and stars, followed by life which becomes more and more complex, ending with humanity.....

the third, which is a simple narrative, comprises the balance of Genesis 2.
However, the fact that we can't currently explain these things scientifically, does not equal the idea that there is no scientific explanation.

it doesn't?....are you simply speaking of your faith in science to perform in the future, because otherwise, the fact there is no scientific explanation certainly means there is no scientific explanation.....
2) How a free floating "cell" (which have been formed in laboraties using the same conditions that existed on the primordial earth) started to self-replicate.
actually, to the best of my knowledge there have never been any lab experiments which resulted in the formation of cells.....
Is the bible a history book? I'm just curious.

no, why?'s a compilation of many books and many genres of writing.....there are some historical narratives....for example the Chronicles are excerpts from official court documents maintained by the scribes of the kings of Israel....

and Luke wrote his epistle and Acts specifically because he believed Matthew and Mark had not paid sufficient attention to chronological historical detail.....
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no, why?'s a compilation of many books and many genres of writing.....there are some historical narratives....for example the Chronicles are excerpts from official court documents maintained by the scribes of the kings of Israel....

How do you determine what is narrative and what is factual history?
How do you determine what is narrative and what is factual history?

narrative is normally considered factual history....that would be opposed to poetry, for example, which like poetry today may communicate factual history but not necessarily in an obvious way.....