APP - Obama's Keynan Birth Certificate


Junior Member
Okay, so here's the picture of the certificate of birth issued by Kenya for Obama:


So I guess that settles it.

Anyone buy it? Cause I've got some news for you if you do. I'll wait to reveal it. I just want to see who wants to defend this first.
Man, I'd love to know what kind of wingnut has such a pathetic life, that they actually invested time making this horrible forgery.

"Republic of Kenya"????

I don't even think Kenya was an independent nation in 1961.
Man, I'd love to know what kind of wingnut has such a pathetic life, that they actually invested time making this horrible forgery.

"Republic of Kenya"????

I don't even think Kenya was an independent nation in 1961.
it would be easy to see if this was forgery by crosschecking against book 448 page 5733(?) - hard to see / lower right corner in the "I, Joshua Sison ODUTA," sign off block... the document lactated at 448 / 5733 would be the actual recorded BC

this is the kenyan equivalent of the HI COLB, and just like the HI COLB it is NOT a birth certificate either.
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Man, I'd love to know what kind of wingnut has such a pathetic life, that they actually invested time making this horrible forgery.

"Republic of Kenya"????

I don't even think Kenya was an independent nation in 1961.

what, sorta like the left-wing nuts all fell for the forged documents that Dan Rather held up about President mean sorta like that??
Man, I'd love to know what kind of wingnut has such a pathetic life, that they actually invested time making this horrible forgery.

"Republic of Kenya"????

I don't even think Kenya was an independent nation in 1961.

Kenya became independent on the 12th December 1963.
it would be easy to see if this was forgery by crosschecking against book 448 page 5733(?) - hard to see / lower right corner in the "I, Joshua Sison ODUTA," sign off block... the document lactated at 448 / 5733 would be the actual recorded BC

this is the kenyan equivalent of the HI COLB, and just like the HI COLB it is NOT a birth certificate either.

Is it just me or does this make no sense?
Okay, so here's the picture of the certificate of birth issued by Kenya for Obama:


So I guess that settles it.

Anyone buy it? Cause I've got some news for you if you do. I'll wait to reveal it. I just want to see who wants to defend this first.
Not really, there are several things wrong with it.

1. Kenya was not officially a Republic until December of 1964.
2. Mombasa was part of the province that became Kenya but was nominally part of Zanzibar at the time of Obama's birth.
3. Even if it is real (unlikely), it may simply be the same thing as the Hawaiian Certificate of Live birth, considering that Obama was a dual citizen and made a choice later in life (by his own account). It is likely that citizens born outside Kenya would need a registration of birth, just like they would here in the US.
4. Some object to the attorney's qualifications, although there is no evidence that she didn't check mark all the boxes and pay her $200 to be part of the group that can file such things before the Supreme Court.

You can see the Conspiracy area for a thread on this one with pictures more in detail of the birth certificate.
Okay, so here's the picture of the certificate of birth issued by Kenya for Obama:


So I guess that settles it.

Anyone buy it? Cause I've got some news for you if you do. I'll wait to reveal it. I just want to see who wants to defend this first.

Um... this is a REGISTRATION of birth, not a birth certificate.

Second... Obama's father was still attending the University of Hawaii at the time of Obama's birth. So the whole question of his being born elsewhere seems incredibly unlikely.
Kenya became independent on the 12th December 1963.
And the form was filled out in 1964, it is a certified copy, basically the exact same thing as the Hawaiian certificate of live birth that we have seen previous. However, I do not know if they called themselves a Republic on their papers before that December when they were officially released from "Dominion" status with a Brit Governor who was there to help the transition to the new President (elected December of 1963).
I suspect you been hitting yourself over the head with your mallet, please explain the meaning of "the document lactated at 448 / 5733 would be the actual recorded BC"
this kenyan document is the same as the HI documet. it is not the BC. it is the COLB. in fact, it references another documet recorded in the registesr at 44B / 5733 as the actual registration of birth.

Read the signature block disclaimer of "ODUTA" in the lower right hand corner in full. it SAYS its a certified copy of the info found at 44B / 5733. We need to llok at 44B / 5733 for the "best evidence." this document does not stand on its own as conclusive.

perhaps prima facie, but it needs support.
this kenyan document is the same as the HI documet. it is not the BC. it is the COLB. in fact, it references another documet recorded in the registesr at 44B / 5733 as the actual registration of birth.

Read the signature block disclaimer of "ODUTA" in the lower right hand corner in full. it SAYS its a certified copy of the info found at 44B / 5733. We need to llok at 44B / 5733 for the "best evidence." this document does not stand on its own as conclusive.

perhaps prima facie, but it needs support.

I understand all that but what does think lactate means?