APP - slick willy (east) scores again

President Clinton did not do the negotating, he was just the deal. They wanted to have a photo op with Clinton in exchange for the two Americans. Good deal if you ask me!
If that was the only deal then yeah, it was a good trade. I really don't care if he can create a false sense of honor out of it.
Lets all take a moment and thank Bill Clinton once again for his unending service to America!
I was amazed at how annoyed he looked the entire time. I searched for a time he acted like he was actually pleased to be there, not even one time did I even see a smile.

He is pissed at Hillary for making him go. Had she not screwed up, he could still be sitting on the couch dreaming of Monica.
I read that some rich hollywood type had paid for the trip to get the gals.

I guess Clinton will be starring in a made for TV movie soon?