Text Drivers are Killers
Biden likes little girls
I bet she could kick your ass, though.
If "she" is female, then so is former FLOTUS Big Mike.
I bet she could kick your ass, though.
IF you in anyway support or cheer for someone to be in a penal colony for self medicating, you are a sociopath
If it was don jr. you would cheer.
you are a moron. Don Jr is a private citizen, I have zero animosity for him
Yeah sure. If JPP banned calling trump a racist you wouldn't hesitate to call that censorship.
bullshit. stop lying.
you have to be the biggest retard around. even the quickest search would show my contempt for progressive policy
oh - he doesn't want to put pot smokers in a penal colony - he must hate Don Jr
cuckoo. cuckoo
you are a fucking retard. plain and simple. retarded!
it is an unfortunate story.
but if it was don jr. you would love it.
*do not take zymurgy if you are allergic to zymurgy or any of it's ingredients.
IF you in anyway support or cheer for someone to be in a penal colony for self medicating, you are a sociopath
She can go to Hell.
She hates this country so much she didn't want the National Anthem played at WNBA games. Then she goes and willfully breaks the law of another country and then whines, saying she wants the United States to get her out?
Screw her.
Anyone who doesn't support her being subjected to the rule of law in another country cannot then support jailing foreigners when they break our laws.
And that's simply unacceptable...
unacceptable? fuck off fascist.
Boy, you filled that diaper in a hurry.
If someone breaks our laws, they get charged, tried and, if convicted, sent to prison. There's no great shortage of foreign citizens in American prisons.
That's not facism, asswipe, that called "law and order".
Griner knowingly broke the laws of a foreign country and, as such, is subject to the rule of law in that country, and nowhere else...
you are a moron. Don Jr is a private citizen, I have zero animosity for him
What a stupid thread by an obviously stupid person full of hate. I wonder sometimes why so many Americans are this dumb? What happened when hate for the other is all they have and all they know. Hate is so powerful, the devil must laugh.
'Psychology of Hate: What Motivates White Supremacists?'
'Articles on Hate'
supporting incarceration for victimless crimes makes you a fascist.
wear it proudly shit breath
Oh, eat a dick.
That diseased twat can die in that penal colony for all I care. She's an American-hating piece of shit who deserves nothing better...
I won't lose any sleep if it happens to you either shit stain