In spite of 235 years of history, it appears that Americans continue to struggle with the concept of forced deaths that are carried out by government.
What a tragedy.
This contention recently arose as one reverberation from a Republican Presidential Debate. Moderator Brian Williams presented a setup statement to Governor Rick Perry with, “Your state has executed 234 death row inmates, more than any other governor in modern times.” Before Williams could deliver the question, the conservative audience erupted in spontaneous applause. Leftist commentators called the reaction “ghastly” and “ghoulish.”
They were correct.
Three weeks later, President Obama also received unashamed applause to his announcement that, “Earlier this morning, Anwar al-Awlaki, the leader of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, was killed in Yemen.” Leftist commentators are ignoring the applause this time and are going right for the question of constitutionality.
More than leftists.
The point being made is that when its the leftists doing the killing, the killing somehow becomes just and righteous...the media does somersaults to make the issue something other than it was when is this case constitutionality....
The liberal mindset is a fascinating thing to watch. The synapse sequence seems to go something like: (1) Defend evil with compassionate piety.
This shows the conservative mindset. Opposing assassinations and the death penalty is defending good, not evil.
It goes to what is posted above....its not the death at all...its a political issue....when the left kills, its suddenly justice, when the right follows our existing laws, its something bad....
(2) Contort the Constitution until it submits to the defense of evil. (3) Excuse all distasteful and contradictory behavior by liberal leadership.
You don't even need to share in my compassion. You can have your sadistic entertainment all you want. I know people who believe in the death penalty on this board who found this assassination distasteful.
Again, the same issue....for the right its " sadistic entertainment" and the laws be damned...for the left, its justice....
James Madison made it difficult for liberals to play enfant terrible by introducing the Bill of Rights to Congress in 1789. In their inimitable manner, the Founding Fathers codified America’s policy on death in the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution: “No person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”
That didn't make it difficult.
It didn't make it difficult for Obama...but then, I'm in 100% agreement with his actions....
Conservatives sympathize with the victims in seeking justice against the aggressor.
There are plenty of victims who oppose the death penalty. Regardless, the point of the justice system isn't to be a vengeance tool.
Irrelevant....the point of the justice certainly IS a kind of vengeance tool....and people are incarcerated every day that are no danger to anyone else....the are in jail for punishment, plain and'd have to be super ignorant of reality to deny this...
The law gives them the guidance to ensure that the right amount of punishment is meted out to those who deserve it. And they applaud when the bad guy gets it.
Punishment should be given out when necessary, and without emotion. The only valid excuse for the death penalty is if you live in a pre-modern society where it is the only possible tool for keeping basic order. We do not live in such a society.
Above you say " justice system isn't to be a vengeance tool." then you go on to talk about punishment...make up your mind...
CP is to deter future murderers that may think they can get away with it, use deadly force to commit other crimes, or it just might be they are fuckin' evil people with no regard for the lives of others...
Conservatives are incapable of controlling their emotions, which is why they are, in fact, incapable of giving out justice. Negative justice is a disgusting and barbaric concept that needs to be totally stricken from the human experience and thrown into the waste basket. Conservatives, instead, reveal in their barbarity, weakness, and inability to control their emotions, reducing themselves to mindless agents of suffering, stupid thoughtless animals.
Liberals, on the other hand, sympathize with the aggressor, dismissing the effect on the sufferer.
Opposing barbarity is not callousness to victims. Meting out barbarity is not compassion. The death penalty is a payment that no one ever receive.
Are you into playing God in real life or just on the internet?
The collective gasp from liberals to cheering of capital punishment is immediately explained by the few cases where death row inmates were exonerated by new legal arguments that cast doubt on their convictions. There is rarely a mention of the child who was raped and strangled or the immigrant store clerk who was mercilessly shot in the face for drug money.
And you are so obsessed with your pound of flesh that you allow innocent people to die merely to get the entertainment you recieve when you hear of these people dying. Is it immoral for me to be horrified by this process? I apologize. Allow me to self-flallegate.
If the liberal motivation was to prevent innocent people from receiving an undeserved punishment, we would know it. We would know because there would be consistency in their position with both death row people and unborn people. “Due process of law” is called for by both liberals and conservatives for people accused of murder and even for suspected terrorists. But the liberal world view never calls for justice against the cruel butcher or due process for American children who are just weeks from being born.
Fetuses can't feel pain and aren't even capable of holding a desire to live. I am under no impression that they are the same basic thing as human being or that they are suffering. Conservatives, on the other hand, well, the death penalty just wouldn't be any fun if they didn't suffer, would it? Doesn't matter if a few innocent people die, just as long as I get my entertainment.
"Fetuses can't feel pain and aren't even capable of holding a desire to live' ??? Really...?
Thats the kind of idiocy I would expect from Apple....and doesn't deserve a serious response from me....
This whole post bores me...
United States Representative and presidential candidate Ron Paul gave voice to the liberal concern for knocking off the New Mexico native terrorist with, "Al-Awlaki was born here. He is an American citizen. He was never tried or charged for any crimes. No one knows if he killed anybody. We know he might have been associated with the underwear bomber. But if the American people accept this blindly and casually then we now have an accepted practice of the president assassinating people who he thinks are bad guys. I think it's sad."
United States intelligence agencies are appropriately methodical in dealing with enemies of the United States. Arrests are made when possible and pre-emptive force is taken when necessary.
Obama has been noted for choosing to assasinate instead of capture when capture was fully possible in many instances.
To put Congressman Paul’s mind at ease, I would direct his attention to federal law, INA § 349, 8 USC § 1481, which sates, “A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts ... attempting by force to overthrow, or bearing arms against, the United States ... or ... by engaging in a conspiracy to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them ...”
As I mentioned, the congress can't remove citizenship, and if it could, it would only be after a trial. They executive branch has no power to summarily remove citizenship on its own
I frankly did not appreciate Governor Perry’s cavalier response to Brian Williams' somber question. But it seems to me that 234 convicted inmates, whose guilt of murder was proven beyond a reasonable doubt, are deserving of execution to the sound of a Texas cheer. And a self-expatriated terrorist braggart deserves to hear applause from Earth while he faces the judgment seat of God.
And I think that it's simply a sign that our society is sick and has become degenerate. No one deserves to die.
But the ghastly and ghoulish demise of four-thousand unborn Americans every day does call for a collective gasp to the twisted logic of the Roe v. Wade decision; a ruling about which Judge Robert Bork wrote, “Unfortunately, in the entire opinion, there is not one line of explanation, not one sentence that qualifies as legal argument."
More abortion bullshit.