Apple Shares Fall on IPhone Numbers


Villified User
Apple Shares Fall on IPhone Numbers

Jul 25, 1:35 AM (ET)


SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - AT&T Inc. (ATT) wiped some of the glow off Apple Inc. (AAPL)'s iPhone on Tuesday, releasing numbers that showed fewer people than expected signed up for service in the first two days of the multimedia cell phone's release.

AT&T - the iPhone's exclusive carrier - said it activated 146,000 iPhones on June 29 and 30, a number that disappointed investors following some analyst forecasts that Apple would sell 500,000 or more iPhones in its first weekend.

And this was just a prep release, more due out today.
We shall see who was right on iPhone sales.
:) yeah. Apple is still a good long term stock though.

Isn't that about 14% of what he claimed would be sold ? Of course this is the ATT end of the game. Many probably spent all their money buying them and could not afford to activate the service ;)
They will make good ornaments / conversation pieces on the shelf though.
:) yeah. Apple is still a good long term stock though.

Isn't that about 14% of what he claimed would be sold ? Of course this is the ATT end of the game. Many probably spent all their money buying them and could not afford to activate the service ;)
They will make good ornaments / conversation pieces on the shelf though.

LOL! That is probably so true. People are so stupid.
Wow you nasty people are revaling in my much overblown demise:shock:

Actually I sold Friday at $140 for a few thousand gain in a couple months.
It went up $3 monday and I'm like, don't be too greedy. Tue down $8 share on the sales numbers.
Again Class, apple will release earnings today. 2 days worth of Iphone sales in them. My guess is they will dissappoint. I'll get back in, I believe in the Jesus Phone long term and I'll tazer you wit it if your not careful:clink:
Sold it huh ? Did not even believe your own prediction ?
Not in any finiancial demise, just your seemingly incorrect prediction Spin.
Many others have Apple and I would not want to wish failure on them.
Heck I probably own some Apple , not sure what my Investment gal is doing with the money I entrusted her with. Just gave her general risk guidelines.
how dare you impune the Jesus phone.:p
Yes, if you want to bet $1,000 on me selling before the drop I'll email the conf to Darla and she can judge.

Your very Deshlike in your sneaking in a tidbid of bad news yet ignoring the big picture.
Even at 146,000 in two days it's the most successfull launch of a phone ever.
I don't even have one, didn't get a cell phone till 5 yrs after my kids had them at 12.
Apple was doing great on the ipod when I first heard about the Iphone so it was a great trade. Damo has made a bundle though as a long term apple guy getting in under 10
how dare you impune the Jesus phone.:p
Yes, if you want to bet $1,000 on me selling before the drop I'll email the conf to Darla and she can judge.

Your very Deshlike in your sneaking in a tidbid of bad news yet ignoring the big picture.
Even at 146,000 in two days it's the most successfull launch of a phone ever.

Why to me?

You find me the most trust worthy?

Top, I'm so touched.
don't trust him Darla, he is just sucking up :)
Remember he is married and a partially reformed republican...

Yeah, he's probably trying to start some sort of relationship with my avatar. Notice how he was the first one to loudly denounce those poor second life souls. You know what that means usc.