Back in the 90's I spent more time in the air-than I did on the ground. But hey, the job paid well!
It was also a time when I had colds and flu's more than any other time in my life. Just get over one and come down with another!
I got to where I hated flying, because of all the people coughing, sneezing, throwing up, and farting on those planes in such close quarters.
It was like a germ incubator! 200 people packed in like fucking sardines in a can!
Today, I don't care to ever fly again, so this is a non-issue for me. Hell, I'd probably rather be riding me Harley now days anyways.
But, if I ever end up having to fly again- I don't even think I'll bother to wear a flimsy mask- I think I'll just wear a space suit instead!
For all of you frequent flyers- my sympathy goes out to you!