April Fools Day

SHIT!!!!! She got me. Though I got her first on April Fools day she had poured my 2% milk out of my jug and replaced it with buttermilk. I didn’t drink any milk till last night though. God that was nasty!
Well the grand tradition of April Fools day is alive and well in the Hoople home. The Mrs. let me know yesterday she was up to my tricks and had some ideas of her own. I was like...ok. All day I couldn’t think of anything to punk her. Until about 3:30 when she called me at work to let me know stuff had happened at her work and she wouldn’t get off till late. So I said “you want to meet at the Chinese restaurant after work for dinner?”. She said “that’s cool”. I said “see you there at six.”.

After she got off work she went to the Chinese Restaurant and I went home. About 6:20 she called me and said “Where are you?”. I said “At home...April Fools!”.

Man did she get madder than a wet hen.
Closing with 'bring fried rice' would have put you in the dog house for a month.

I just opted to punk my entire pool league by stating on FB that from now on, making the 8 ball on the break would result in loss of game.

Boy...were some people pissed.
No it’s an opinion shared by pretty much anyone who isn’t a mouth breather.

no disrespect to your wife (even though she was stupid enough to marry you) but no, it is not an opinion share by everyone who isn't a mouth breather.......it is an opinion shared by people who have abandoned any effort to think and are ruled by their faulty perceptions........
We went on a driving tour to the German Alps with another couple last February. Took turns driving, but the car was rented in my name. Speed limits are enforced by camera there, and we agreed to split the cost of tickets. On April 1 my wife emailed the other couple that we had just received a large bill from the Polizeirevier....