Arab Historian Admits there is No Palestinian People

Jesus told Columbus to go into the Land and Kill everybody. Smash the heads of the Babies against the Rocks. Why O' Why did Jesus command such Cruelty???

this was originally translated from ancient greek. The part you are referring to. Like athena and how she exited zeus head, the ancients believed that the soul could be let out if you cracked open the skull. so the passage you are citing is actually talking about giving the babies souls to heaven, because they weren't baptized.
this was originally translated from ancient greek. The part you are referring to. Like athena and how she exited zeus head, the ancients believed that the soul could be let out if you cracked open the skull. so the passage you are citing is actually talking about giving the babies souls to heaven, because they weren't baptized.

Thank You. Once these Ancient Texts from long ago are unearthed and the Scholars can piece together what it all means, the World becomes a better place. I, the Forum, the world, become more enlightened as you deliver The Message of the Ancients. (This, is just one of the reasons I come to the Forum)
The only meaningful definition of a nation is 'a group of people who believe they are one'. There was no Israeli nation until some people decided to make one up.
I always thought the word 'nation' back then was referring to a Tribe. You know, like the Sioux Nation or Cherokee Nation.
Thank You. Once these Ancient Texts from long ago are unearthed and the Scholars can piece together what it all means, the World becomes a better place. I, the Forum, the world, become more enlightened as you deliver The Message of the Ancients. (This, is just one of the reasons I come to the Forum)

The other reason Jack comes here is to worship at the feet of Mason.
No!Google Age of the Gentiles

"The Scriptures speak of three classes of people on the earth, the Jews, the Gentile, and the Church. The Church is made up of both Jew and Gentile. Outside of the Church all who are not Jews are Gentiles. Up to the call of Abraham all the people of the earth were Gentiles. Abraham was the first Hebrew. ..."

Sounds like a Cult.
I prefer seeing us all as Universal Brothers and Sisters. I prefer 'Unity' over 'Divisiveness'.
"The Scriptures speak of three classes of people on the earth, the Jews, the Gentile, and the Church. The Church is made up of both Jew and Gentile. Outside of the Church all who are not Jews are Gentiles. Up to the call of Abraham all the people of the earth were Gentiles. Abraham was the first Hebrew. ..."

Sounds like a Cult.
I prefer seeing us all as Universal Brothers and Sisters. I prefer 'Unity' over 'Divisiveness'.

That has nothing to do with "Age of the Gentiles"
The other reason Jack comes here is to worship at the feet of Mason.

Oh. My. Lord.
Now you've gone and done it.
You have now got yourself on the Bad Side of Owl.
She thinks everyone here at JPP comes here to worship at HER feet.
You're gonna' be sorry now.
Do you know what kind of a beat down you are in for???
Oh, wait? Hmmmmm. Is that your Plan all along. :thinking:
Oh. My. Lord.
Now you've gone and done it.
You have now got yourself on the Bad Side of Owl.
She thinks everyone here at JPP comes here to worship at HER feet.
You're gonna' be sorry now.
Do you know what kind of a beat down you are in for???
Oh, wait? Hmmmmm. Is that your Plan all along. :thinking:

Beat down!:laugh:paging Samantha
That has nothing to do with "Age of the Gentiles"

You told me to 'google it'. That's what I did. That's what I got.

Look, I'm not interested in your Mumbo-Jumbo Cult. Talk to PMP. He loves that kind of Stuff. Or Guno. He claims to be 'Jewish' ... and Hates Everyone. (usual sign of a Cult)
If there is no 'Palestine', how can there be a 'Palestinian Jew'? Anyway, aren't they all Arabs or Semites?

So you would think..... Not all are the children of Abraham...

They are a mixed lot, just like everyone else, go figure..

Some groups are a lot closer than they think to "the bad ppl", "the bad cousins" etc...

Ppl in the Levant-Palestine/Israel, Lebanon, Jordan & Syria have different DNA which is reflected in their religions & how they identify..

Example in Lebanon there has been an ongoing debate on who they are historically (which is a bowl of Heinz 57), how they identify..

Christians tend to identify as Phoenicians (Canaanites) where as most Muslims tend to identify as Arab & their DNA, for most originates in saudi Arabia.

The Christian Lebanese have few to no Arab markers & many markers associated w/ DNA recently discovered in Phoenician burial sites.. Also admixture from the crusades etc which is much less frequent in those that identify as Muslims..

It is similar w/ those ppl in Israel/Palestine/Jordan that identify as Christian~Muslim...
So you would think..... Not all are the children of Abraham...

They are a mixed lot, just like everyone else, go figure..

Some groups are a lot closer than they think to "the bad ppl", "the bad cousins" etc...

Ppl in the Levant-Palestine/Israel, Lebanon, Jordan & Syria have different DNA which is reflected in their religions & how they identify..

Example in Lebanon there has been an ongoing debate on who they are historically (which is a bowl of Heinz 57), how they identify..

Christians tend to identify as Phoenicians (Canaanites) where as most Muslims tend to identify as Arab & their DNA, for most originates in saudi Arabia.

The Christian Lebanese have few to no Arab markers & many markers associated w/ DNA recently discovered in Phoenician burial sites.. Also admixture from the crusades etc which is much less frequent in those that identify as Muslims..

It is similar w/ those ppl in Israel/Palestine/Jordan that identify as Christian~Muslim...

To me, the Muslims/Jews are the same 'people'. They just have a different 'Religion'. It's just 'Brother killing Brother' over 'who's God is the Best'. Bunch of dumbasses, if you ask me.