Arbitrary Ranking of the States

Ahh you didn't read my post carefully. I was excluding the States I have not been too. I have never been to Washington or Seattle. I have been to every major metropolitan area east of Austin, TX but the only one I've been too west of Austin is LA and only at LAX so obviously I don't count CA as a place I've been too.

Oh....and before you say that about South Carolina....I'd suggest you take a trip to Charleston, SC. You won't be dissapointed.

Woah, red light! I know Darla is intelligent, and doesn't need me to tell her this, but just so we're all on the same page...

Darla would not be happy in SC. Aside from the obvious stuff like, it sucks, and the people are fucking retarded, there are very specific issues that would be unique to her versus how I would see it. I can't imagine a well-spoken feminist being happy there, and it probably wouldn't be long before someone crosses the line with her. Fuck South Carolina.
1. Colorado

2. Alaska/Hawiaii

3. Oregon

4. Washington

5. Idaho

6. New Mexico

7. Nevada

8. Texas

9. Utah

10. Arizona

11. California

12. Minnesota

13. Missouri

14. Kansas

15. Wyoming

16. Montana

17. South Dakota

18 Nebraska

19 Oklahoma

The rest, I have no opinion. I have not been there.

Me likey! :clink:
I love Alaska, but it is so remote and the Winters are too long. I find Colorado to be a lot like Alaska, but has a more temperate climate and it more centrally located!

Lol, yes, but with the recent marijuana laws, there is hope to smoke them out.
But it's more than just that, it's a matter of our perceptions of what is important to us. What you think is a "good" thing, I might not be interested in at all, and what I may think is a "bad" thing, is what you like the most about the place. I don't think of LA as "scrubland" and I think swamps are beautiful. But to be honest, the food of Louisiana alone, is enough to garner it a Top 10 ranking, in MY book.

I have Texas ranked #2, behind Hawaii, but for completely different reasons. Hawaii, I mean, who wouldn't want to live there? Given ALL options, I'd take that one. Texas ranks #2 because it's like living in a state that is a country. They have their own Texan way of doing things, and everything in Texas is bigger. From there, Colorado is just unique and beautiful, and this is kind of my general prerequisite for the remainder of my list. The middle of my list was the toughest part, lots of places that are okay, but maybe not my cup of tea, and then the bottom of the list is the same thing, it's just my personal prefs. I am not a big fan of COLD weather, so colder states, even though they may be beautiful, aren't as high as they might otherwise be. Alaska managed a #12 ranking, simply because I think it would be an interesting place to live. I wouldn't miss 114 degree temps with 110% humidity. I wouldn't care to live there during the winter, but for a summer? Sure, I'd go hang out with Sarah! ;)
Can't argue with you about the food in LA....and unless you insist your women be pearly white, it's loaded with drop dead gorgeous women. At least in Narlins and BR.

You're right about Texas being the size of a small country and that makes it hard to judge. From what I've seen of Texas.....west Texas is a majestic waste land. North Texas is prarie land and is pretty much like OK & KS....pretty boring and east Texas is a mix of woodland and scrubland. Pretty ugly compared to the Ohio Valley region. About the Cities.....Houston, our corporate HQ is in Houston....I dread that someday I might have to move there. I would't want to live in Houston. Dallas/FW is a far cry better than Houston. I could live in Dallas/FW....but I wouldn't be thrilled about it. Austin on the other hand kicks ass. I could definately live in Austin. Great City. I have not been to San Antonio but I hear a lot of good things about it. My wife has been there and she liked it a lot.
Can't argue with you about the food in LA....and unless you insist your women be pearly white, it's loaded with drop dead gorgeous women. At least in Narlins and BR.

You're right about Texas being the size of a small country and that makes it hard to judge. From what I've seen of Texas.....west Texas is a majestic waste land. North Texas is prarie land and is pretty much like OK & KS....pretty boring and east Texas is a mix of woodland and scrubland. Pretty ugly compared to the Ohio Valley region. About the Cities.....Houston, our corporate HQ is in Houston....I dread that someday I might have to move there. I would't want to live in Houston. Dallas/FW is a far cry better than Houston. I could live in Dallas/FW....but I wouldn't be thrilled about it. Austin on the other hand kicks ass. I could definately live in Austin. Great City. I have not been to San Antonio but I hear a lot of good things about it. My wife has been there and she liked it a lot.

A guy I know at work grew up calling it SASA - or Sorry Ass San Antonio. :D
Most Elite/Cool to Most Prolish/Shitty

1) Connecticut
2) Massachusetts
3) New Hampshire
4) Vermont
5) Hawaii
6) Colorado
7) Montana
8) Florida
9) California
10) Washington
11) Oregon
12) Alaska
13) Nevada
14) Michigan
15) Minnesota
16) Maine
17) Arizona
18) Pennsylvania
19) Delaware
20) Idaho
21) Wyoming
22) Wisconsin
23) Rhode Island
24) Nebraska
25) Kansas
26) Oklahoma
27) Illinois
28) New York
29) Maryland
30) Missouri
31) Indiana
32) South Dakota
33) New Jersey
34) Iowa
35) North Dakota
36) Texas
37) Virginia
38) Utah
39) New Mexico
40) North Carolina
41) Louisiana
42) Ohio
43) Kentucky
44) Georgia
45) Tennessee
46) West Virginia
47) South Carolina
48) Arkansas
49) Alabama
50) Mississippi

Feel free to compliment, complain, tweak, and counterlist.

Interchange Mass with Conn, drop RI to 49 and NJ to 50 and you have it.

No one gives a fuck where Ohio is on any list.

Otherwise, very well done, 3-D.

Oh, and New York probably deserves a higher rating, if for no other reason than Darla alone. (actually, NY is supercool, but nothing compares to New England, minus Maine and RI of course.