Arch Linux or Gentoo?


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Hmmm, it appears I installed Windows on IDE mode and now I can't boot it any other way. But why can't Arch Linux access my hard drives?

Wait, did I have to mount them first?
lmao tom double quotes me and responds twice over an 8 hour gap. you can't do that bro, it's like getting into an argument, coming up with the perfect comeback after the fact, you can't go back. you gonna respond with another quip next week?

haven't you ever seen the jerk store episode of seinfeld?

It's called l'esprit de l'escalier. It comes from a remark made by Diderot "l’homme sensible, comme moi, tout entier à ce qu’on lui objecte, perd la tête et ne se retrouve qu’au bas de l’escalier"
Well, I've got it working. Arch LInux's basic install is very bare, you're left with a terminal after installation, after which you have to set up your username, add it to the sudoers file, install your own desktop environment, and set the X window system up to load it.
Watermark, you prove time and again that you're awesome.

I think it's a good thing that I ignored this forums advice and went with Arch. Arch has way better support than Gentoo. I really, at the very least, needed the experience of installing this before it would be wise to dive into something like Gentoo. Hell, maybe I'll make my own Gentoo partition and install that too. You've got to fly a fighter jet before you can pilot a space shuttle.
I love how Tom always tries to get people into linux by shoving some Windows clone distribution in their face. "Look, it's just like Windows, which sucks!" If I want to try Linux, I want to try Linux. Windows is always going to beat Linux trying to ape Windows.
I love how Tom always tries to get people into linux by shoving some Windows clone distribution in their face. "Look, it's just like Windows, which sucks!" If I want to try Linux, I want to try Linux. Windows is always going to beat Linux trying to ape Windows.

I have 4 different flavours of Linux and the one that I use most often is Zorin OS 6 followed by Kubuntu 12.10 I have never tried to use Gentoo, you have to be a masochist to even want to try.