Archive of Dixie Myths

For some reason, I can't manage to engage in debate in any thread on this board, without some idiot spouting off some myth about me, and diverting the topic of conversation. Over and over, day after day, I have to respond to these myths and clear them up for the misinformed, and it's annoying to have to take the time and space within another thread, so I started this thread for the specific purpose of addressing the various lies and distortions people have come to think is true about me. Please feel free to ask me any question regarding these myths here, rather than on someone else's thread. This way, we can keep the Dixie Myths in one place, and everyone can come here and reference them before making a fool of themselves. Also, I will have a link to direct people to, when they start espousing the myths in other threads.

Myth #1: Dixie is a Racist.
I'm not, never have been, never will be. In fact, I have been proactive in the Civil Rights movement within my community. I have worked as a volunteer at the Civil Rights Museum downtown, I have helped raise money for black churches, and I have participated in several NAACP and SCLC rallies over the years. My father is 1/8 black and my mother is 1/8 Choctaw, so it would be a little foolish for me to be "racist" against my own heritage and ethnicity.

Myth #2: Dixie opposed interracial marriages being legal.
This never happened. Alabama held a referendum on the subject several years ago, at which time, I lived in Memphis, TN, where I worked in the Memphis City School System, which is 80% black. Liberals with an agenda tried to insist that the people of Alabama were inherently "racist" for the way they voted on the referendum, and I merely pointed out the 'religious component' to how they might have voted, and made an argument that refuted the broad-brush claims that were being assumed. I never stated that I agreed with this, never defended the position, never indicated that I supported those who voted against interracial marriage, I just pointed out there might have been a reason for their vote besides 'racist views'.

Myth #3: Dixie voted to keep segregation-era language in the state constitution.
While this myth has a little validity, I did not vote specifically FOR this. The referendum in question was widely controversial, because it sought to sneak in a property tax that the people had previously voted down twice, resoundingly. It was attached (by Democrats) to the bill, because they refused to make cuts in spending, as requested by the Republican governor, and wanted to railroad the people into paying the tax they voted down anyway. Additionally, Alabama has the longest constitution of any state or nation on the planet. At over 700 pages, it is antiquated, out-dated, and needs to be completely reconstructed from the ground up. Adding yet another amendment to it, is not prudent. The specific language that was being addressed, involved details about school segregation, which no longer exists, so the language in question was invalid and irrelevant anyway. Interestingly enough, it was Democrats who adopted the language originally.

Myth #4: Dixie doesn't think it's racist to not do business with a black man.
This myth stems from an out-of-context sig line someone used to have, and is not true in any way. It was presented as a sarcastic analogy and reply to someone who claimed that just because they didn't support Israel, didn't mean they were anti-semitic. Normally, it would have been presented in the form of a question, to which the answer is obvious.

Myth #5: Dixie thinks Evolution Theory is an evil Liberal Conspiracy.
I have never argued such a point, and don't believe this. I've never refuted ET, or claimed it didn't happen, I simply don't believe it explains origin of life.

Myth #6: Dixie doesn't think 1/3 exists!
This age old myth came about as a result of a psychological test I perpetrated on unwitting subjects. Most all of us learned in elementary math class, that 1 can't be divided evenly by 3 without producing a remainder. (1/3=.3r1) Indeed we have thirds, they do exist, we use them everyday, but dividing one into three produces a floating remainder for infinity, therefore, the three parts are never defined equally, and can't be. We presume equality by assuming the remainder. This test was to see exactly how long my subjects would argue to the contrary of this basic fundamental equation of math. The result was over 1500 posts in three threads over the course of almost a month. It was absolutely stunning.

Myth #7: Dixie lives in a trailer park.
Never have lived in a park, I did once live in a mobile home. Presently, I live in an apartment in downtown Birmingham, where zoning restrictions prohibit mobile homes of any kind.

Myth #8: Dixie likes how Bush looks in tight jeans.
Never stated this, and never indicated how I felt about how Bush looked. It stems from a comment I made about how much I loved a president who felt comfortable enough to do an interview in jeans. I could have also said, 'without a suit and tie', it would have been the same thing, but then the myth might have been that I claimed to love Bush in the buff.

Myth #9: Dixie will never admit when he is wrong.
I have always been able to admit when I am in error, and have done so often on this board. I do have a problem admitting I am wrong when it hasn't been proven. Why should I?

Myth #10: Dixie hates gay people.
Not true. I actually have several dear friends who are gay, and I believe they should have every right of heterosexuals, including the right to marry someone of the opposite sex. I have stated that I don't think our laws and words should be changed to conform to a sexually deviant lifestyle, which is what homosexuality is. The word 'deviant' is not intended to be a derogatory term, it is clinically accurate, as homosexual behavior deviates from the norm in the human species. I'm just being honest.

Myth #11: Dixie's avatar has a Confederate flag because he is racist.
Untrue. My avatar has a confederate flag for two reasons only. First, I have relatives who fought and died under that flag, and I respect the historic significance of it. Secondly, I use it as a means to reveal stereotypical bigotry in those who will 'presume' something without substantial information, based on their own prejudices. It works like a charm! Ironically, I didn't come up with this idea, it comes from an older black friend of mine, who routinely wore a confederate bandanna, for essentially the same reason, to combat prejudice and stereotypes.

I'm sure I have missed some of the various myths floating around out there, and if anyone can think of any, please post them, and I will address them here. I would like to combine them all in one thread for convenience sake, so when people start spewing them all over the board, they can be directed here for clarification and education on the subject.
Jesus Christ.

Do you honestly believe anyone here gives you that much thought? Even I'm not that self-centered.

And I am the most interesting person on this board.
Dixie, I only was able to get halfway through the first paragraph before I started nodding off. I doubt you'll get anyone to read this whole silly rant.

In short, you wasted probably 30 minutes of your time, writing a longwinded rant that no one will read.
Yeah Prissy, I am really depressed with the number of people who have paid attention to it so far. I guess no one here even bothers to click on my threads anymore... but wait... ???
I myself have opened this thread three times...and have yet to finish the entire list of self aggrandizing egomaniacal blustering without having to take a break for some fresh air.... the number of responses...and, better yet, the tone of those responses, is pretty telling. Where ARE all your neocon brethren to stand in support of your defense against these "myths"?
and that is what it really is all about for you, isn't it Dixie? the attention.

Look at me! Pay attention to me! ME! ME! ME!

you pathetic little man.
Myth #6: Dixie doesn't think 1/3 exists!
This age old myth came about as a result of a psychological test I perpetrated on unwitting subjects. Most all of us learned in elementary math class, that 1 can't be divided evenly by 3 without producing a remainder. (1/3=.3r1) Indeed we have thirds, they do exist, we use them everyday, but dividing one into three produces a floating remainder for infinity, therefore, the three parts are never defined equally, and can't be. We presume equality by assuming the remainder. This test was to see exactly how long my subjects would argue to the contrary of this basic fundamental equation of math. The result was over 1500 posts in three threads over the course of almost a month. It was absolutely stunning.

You can divide one by three. You can't represent it decimally 100%, but you can with a fraction.

You really are retarded. This is either the most tenacious clinging to a long-proven-wrong argument, or the biggest pile of stupidity I've ever seen a human being gleefully wallow in.
Soem truths about Dixie...

1. Dixie relies predominantly on strawman and misrepresentation of arguments.
2. Dixie lies about things he's posted on the same thread.
3. When Dixie is defeated he relies on ad hominem attacks, like a monkey hurling its faeces about.
4. Dixie DID write a homoerotic love poem about GWB.
Myth #5: Dixie thinks Evolution Theory is an evil Liberal Conspiracy.
I have never argued such a point, and don't believe this. I've never refuted ET, or claimed it didn't happen, I simply don't believe it explains origin of life.

Neither does anyone who actually understands the theory of evolution. Origins is dealt with by theories of abiogenesis.

You can divide one by three.

I've never argued that you couldn't.

therefore, the three parts are never defined equally, and can't be. We presume equality by assuming the remainder. This test was to see exactly how long my subjects would argue to the contrary of this basic fundamental equation of math. The result was over 1500 posts in three threads over the course of almost a month. It was absolutely stunning.
I wish I saved Dixie's 'Homoerotic Ode to Bush'. That was an all time classic. As was Dixie's getting financial advice from 'god' whilst in the shower....

Comedy gold!
Dixie, everytime I get called a racist by some lib asshole, I just show them a picture my cousin took of me, while i was at a bastketball game cheering for my favorite player, Karem Abdul Jabar. Cause he's black. Click here to verify color of my favorite basketball player:

You would be a-mazed at how quick that shuts them up. They don't know what the fuck to say once they see that. Why I've had some of em just stare at me with their mouths hanging open once I showed them that.
Dixie, everytime I get called a racist by some lib asshole, I just show them a picture my cousin took of me, while i was at a bastketball game cheering for my favorite player, Karem Abdul Jabar. Cause he's black. Click here to verify color of my favorite basketball player:

You would be a-mazed at how quick that shuts them up. They don't know what the fuck to say once they see that. Why I've had some of em just stare at me with their mouths hanging open once I showed them that.
Hey, some of my best friends are white. And it isn't true that they all can't dance because I've seen it!