Are Americans wising up?

I didn't realize you were posting in the General Principles forum on

It's perfectly apparent that there's a whole bunch of shit you don't know. Stick around, pay attention and learn BIG GOvERNMENT.
The solution is not less government, it is more government. Someone needs to be brave enough to wake Americans up from this delusion that if we just got rid of the government, everything would suddenly be OK.
The solution is not less government, it is more government. Someone needs to be brave enough to wake Americans up from this delusion that if we just got rid of the government, everything would suddenly be OK.

You're "delusion" that somebody here is advocating for "NO" government is revealing of your intellect. Don't worry, the Duopoly is working hard to set the Guinness record for most humongous government ever if they can just figure out where to put all of the sons-of-bitches. Big Money, AKA BIG GOVERNMENT is CEO of the effort.
Huh. So I guess 5 am is the magic hour huh?

The one goddamned hour this staggering loser isn't spamming this board. Imagine, 23 hours, 7 days a week, no holidays off, this repulsive, friendless shut-in is working furiously to ruin this board...he only needs an hour sleep. I guess he has no need for shower breaks. It's not like there's anyone around to smell him.

Have some cheese with that dullard whine you repulsive dunce.
It appears we all went off topic. Isn't it clear that whenever a person is put in charge they almost never improve something. It is also quite obvious that having many minds thinking about one subject can create hundreds of ideas and possible solutions than a few heads in posh chairs. That means that having less government intervention makes more progress because the government is restricting what can be done.